Minimalism for Mental Health

Minimalism for Mental Health

Many people spend a lot of money on things they don't need or could do without, especially in this era of social media. There are enticing advertisements and offers everywhere; without self-control, one can buy everything they see even if it's unnecessary.

It's easy to think you will be happier with a new wardrobe, a new car, or a big house which can cause disappointment since no matter what you buy, it can never be enough.

Modern culture is not helping either, and everyone believes their lives will be good if they possess more. It leaves people more stressed since they are always rushing and working longer hours trying to accommodate consumerism, which only frustrates them.

Minimalism Explained

Our surroundings often play an essential role in the state of our mental well-being. Being a minimalist means using only things that serve a purpose that you need to survive. With many people practicing minimalism in recent years, we need to understand that minimalism is about having what you need to go about your daily life.

Although many people associate hoarding with status, security, comfort, and control, minimalism contradict materialism. It means intentionally owning fewer possessions. It values intentional endeavors that add value to life.

How to start living a minimalist lifestyle

When you want to start living a minimalist lifestyle, you must identify what is essential in your life and eliminate the rest. You don't have to make drastic and impossible lifestyle changes. You only need to make conscious decisions in some parts of your life. The easiest way to begin a minimalist lifestyle is to get inspired and start by doing things like;

·???????Setting priorities and goals and removing any excess

·???????Shopping quality, not quantity

·???????Digitizing movies and books

·???????Investing in reusables

Benefits of Minimalism To Your Mental Health

Your environment has a significant impact on your mental health and your productivity. Here are the top benefits of minimalism for your mental health;

1. Minimalism helps meet basic physiological needs

Clutter can drag you further into depression and anxiety. When you cut down on things you don't need, it reduces your anxiety and stress levels.

Not getting what you want can also cause anxiety and depression, minimalism curbs this since you can assess things you need before buying. It also increases awareness since it means living in the present

2. Minimalism saves you money and time

Making a conscious decision to buy what you need can ease your financial pressure, which benefits your mental health.

Minimalism involves decluttering, saving the time you could spend cleaning and organizing. It allows you to focus on something more productive or relaxed, improving your mental health.

3. Minimalism makes you happy

Removing excess possessions allows you to focus on things like family and living in the moment. Your needs are less, allowing you to work less, which means more fun.

Minimalism also combats loneliness since you can spend time with your favorite people without worrying about the next project to gain wealth, which translates to happiness.

4. Minimalism gives you freedom

Minimalism slows down life and gives you freedom from excessive possessions, freedom from needing more, and freedom from consumerism.

Final Thoughts

Contrary to popular belief, minimalism aims to change your mindset, not just external actions and habits. Slowing down and thinking about what makes you happy and fulfills you is vital, so choose quality over quantity.

#Lydiasays #qualityoverquantity


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