Mini Money & ME!
How long is the Money & ME program?? That is one of the questions I get asked on a regular basis, and the answer has always been “six hours.” ? That could be six “one hour sessions” two “three hour sessions,” three “two hour sessions, or one “six hour” session.? This flexibility gives organizations the opportunity to implement in a manner that works for them.? This past year, the Director of the Farmington Library in Farmington, New Mexico contacted me and asked if I could do a “Mini Money & ME” program in 90 minutes. I was challenged to deviate from the six hours, and I was hesitant to do so.? The six hour program has information related to feelings and boundaries with money.? There are discussions on “How to change a habit, Smart shopping tips, and Other ways to be successful.” I spent time looking at all the content of the program and the length of time to teach and what information would be the absolute minimum in a money management information session.? I came up with the following to fit into a 90 minute session:
I have now taught three of the “Mini Money & ME” programs, and it has been a HUGE success. I adjusted the flow and Power Points accordingly and actually surprised myself.? I didn’t think it was possible to have such an impact in a short period of time.? As I was driving back to Albuquerque (a three hour drive), I called trainers that had been teaching Money & ME for several years.? They were? super excited too!? One of the trainers said? the time factor has become a huge issue.? People are so busy they don’t have six hours to devote to learning about managing their money.? However, they are interested in 90 minutes.? I am excited to share more about this new “Mini Money & ME” program.? Please join me this week for the Money & ME Collaboration Google meet. I will be sharing details regarding the cost and how you can do a “Mini Money & ME.”? There will be trainers who have been teaching for several years, and new trainers coming together to ask questions.? It will be this Thursday, December 12, 2024 at:
Here is the Google Meet Code:?? I look forward to seeing many of you virtually and sharing this exciting new development.? I will have more specific information about how YOU can implement this with your organization.