Mini-interview met Ebrahim Rahimi
Ebrahim Rahimi

Mini-interview met Ebrahim Rahimi

Short introduction: who are you and how long have you been working at the Open Universiteit?

I am Ebrahim Rahimi, I started working at OU since September 2019.

What courses do you teach?

I’m involved in two Master's SE/CS courses: Design for Change and Software Quality Management, Python Programming for Pre-Master AI, and two Bachelor's courses: Practicum Ontwerpen en Implementeren and Geavanceerd Objectgeori?nteerd Programmeren. Furthermore, I supervise Master's and Bachelor's graduation assignments.

Can you tell us a little about the research you are currently working on and what gets you so excited in it?

My research focuses on computer science and programming education. I am interested in exploring how students learn to program, what difficulties and misconceptions they face in this process and why, how to facilitate and support their learning process, and how to design and develop software tools to aid students’ learning of computer science education topics. Currently, I am also interested in exploring the potential and threats of GenAI for programming education.

Can you share a special project or accomplishment that you have been proud of since working here?

I am particularly proud of initiating and organizing the national 'GenAI in CS Education in Higher Education' working group in 2023, together with our former OU colleague Greg Alpar PhD ?? . It has now become an evolving and active community of teachers and researchers from various universities across the Netherlands who are interested in this topic.

What moments during your time here will always stay with you and why?

The Sessions of Students' Thesis Presentation and Graduation: This is a unique and unforgettable moment for both students and supervisors. A graduation assignment is a long and complex process characterized by intense supervision, feedback exchange, numerous unknowns, and the need to face and tackle unforeseen challenges. To succeed, students must demonstrate high levels of motivation, commitment, persistence, and, beyond that, a growth mindset. Reaching the graduation phase after all these ups and downs in the process is a rewarding moment not only for the student but also for the supervisor.

What do you think sets our university apart from other educational institutions?

The quality of education at OU and the dedication of its students are noteworthy. OU is well-known and well-recognized for its high quality of education. Additionally, the students who choose OU and continue their education are highly motivated and committed, balancing their studies alongside their jobs and family responsibilities. As adult learners, OU students seek more meaningful and relevant learning, which in turn enhances the quality of education at OU.

Do you have a favorite memory of a particular OU event or activity?

Sure, among several enjoyable activities at OU, I would like to highlight a fruitful and fun research activity I undertook with my colleague Harrie Passier . Over the course of about two years, we had hour-long online meetings almost every week to write a scientific paper about our joint collaboration in a master’s course. These meetings included extensive discussions, critical thinking, reflections on our educational activities, discoveries, and fun moments.

What is your favorite memory of your own time as a student?

While doing my master's study in software engineering in Iran back in 2001, I started translating a book about advanced Visual Basic programming from English to Farsi. When the book was published and I saw my name on the cover page, I felt a pleasant moment of pride, happiness, and achievement which has stayed with me ever since and has actually inspired me to continue my career in academia.

Do you have any tips for students?

There is a quote attributed to Albert Einstein saying, “If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.” I think this quote is particularly useful for our students in the Informatica department. As engineers, we generally tend to have a solution-oriented and “making” mindset. We need to give more and enough weight and emphasis to defining and analyzing the problem before jumping to a solution.


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