MIND GAME: “Escape the Titanic”ky Po!i/O^.^mmm ∞×8
This is a thought puzzle/mind (mini)game“cosplay”, something that can be d((on)e) in your head, even against alternate version of yourself (as elf .. gan dolf hitler
likely coming down the (IzSame?v::3rd stage guild naviga(t(o)r) street (VIA which way points <*.|who is keeping score) if you do/don't do it right IT (write? cred vs crudIT extrusion sprue vs spruce Goose/Geese) SELF vs S(elf) in (T(IME on TI)ME is IT me vs myself and eyeI captain Gain vs^ Pain is IT IN? DIAn vs (NVIDIA) lemma (wiki) vs lemmings
INT in prime (Di(semperFI(?if (div/(((*|TEAMMONOoo0^ noGOd ..houston we have a *.|blind problem) search DI vs DIE rective functionALl ALI in the jungle Charged UP^vDOWN
NOTE to self; consider can't drag^drop or upload from clipboard to Linked!!!!In chore for more
ANDor (candor candidia candiaLY conditionally design vs sing constraints upper mid harmOnics OR no OR no music at all SILENT floor vs CEILING )
JUSTus SIMPLY mistakenLY wrong (e.g. if you were being the best of your best/Best?BEST what you might do (strength of force no force required played through past through analytics WELL past due still good//due, vs what worse of the worst you might do..and need to GUARD (conditiON//OFF) >af<for(d) in flight conditionals (design constraints that ain't flying high drunk boxing FUze/self fusio(>nED<) KungFu "some like it spicy fiction vs really REALITY" style.. (charged by calorie/linear mile of atmosphere (breathe/breaktime) ISO morphic conjectured..conjured
P.S> do you have your safety/tech buddy??? great/er/rest GOOD GGPS good ghoul/gle
VS ((pleaze consider your environment...)
VS 3ish QUAD --<//^\\>++ po'or ted/TED 15 minutes of fame(x.x(*.*)di morphism organism orgasm GAME// ((PORTED))\\
who's know/like/trust(un) on the night watch shift (control shift resent RESET(permarest)
Which when oriented properly (vs/Vs(VS AND OR))) subattributes/properties_real estate
is/IsIS (IZ?still vs moving vs vomiting)like a Kōan (properly thought/felt&logicALL koanic..vs demon/^&^\angelic..what smells freshest e.g what is your precious this second ..next/Next?/NEXT^^)
IT (flip/flops based on perspective/^\^dwell) as well as a sandbox vs timeboxed (skeinic sceneic haz been seen it) to think through scenar((i/o)s) under crisis(act<OR/*.*/AND> child/petPetPET^^) as will be (thouroughly, thoughtfully, idnentically (in future /v?s\ past as relevant) needed (e.g. you NEED to breathe vs you NEED to eat once every few days if REALLY congruent with your optimalness/t
for 1st/2nd//3rd//4.4th personOff(all) PROjecti(on/off) think Sir Will Be (sure will be ) tinker bell/hell(ion) getting FUTURE vs MEDI(cEVAL) vs ANTICIPATED (probable optimal proximal possible OPPOSITION..what is next direction (hop/Hop/&hopi guide
as well for those((PROPERly subattributally (let's go leggo my eggo/egon\egon #TEAM FULL ARC (360(pacmanish)720ish) on #TeamLight needing to learn #TeamDark strategies (taking snow flake back to water then air/dark) to serve a great/er/^est GOoD (#Tea((mAL)L)L) when in (*.*)x(Op|po)sitelan>dia (flight logs), well outside your historical operating range, and likely dWELL outside your comfort vs phantom zone.
TOP LEVEL STORY (icarus arc in boat/wings, people vs icarus from)
To remind, the story of the Titanic (and sister shipt) was a remarkable feat of engineering for it's day.
“Too Big to Fail” ship on maiden voyage, with many of the top minds/people of society at the time on a sure to be fun time hob nobbing with the many on board.
via a stunning amount of arrogance, cost no object on food/drink...
but WAY to little life-rafts & protocols (Safety 4th)
- Capacity:Passengers: 2,435, crew: 892. Total: 3,327 (or 3,547 according to other sources)
- Notes:Lifeboats: 20 (sufficient for 1,178 people) four of which were collapsible and proved to be hard to launch during the sinking.[4]
bad driving hitting an iceburg, it ended in tragedy
"After leaving Southampton on 10 April 1912, Titanic called at Cherbourg in France and Queenstown (now Cobh) in Ireland before heading west to New York.[5] On 14 April, four days into the crossing and about 375 miles (600 km) south of Newfoundland, she hit an iceberg at 11:40 p.m. ship's time. The collision caused the ship's hull plates to buckle inwards along her starboard (right) side and opened five of her sixteen watertight compartments to the sea; she could only survive four flooding. Meanwhile, passengers and some crew members were evacuated in lifeboats, many of which were launched only partially loaded. A disproportionate number of men were left aboard because of a "women and children first" protocol for loading lifeboats.[6] At 2:20 a.m., she broke apart and foundered—with well over one thousand people still aboard. Just under two hours after the Titanic sank, the Cunard liner RMS Carpathia arrived at the scene, where she brought aboard an estimated 705 survivors." -per wiki
3,327 Total Aboard
ONLY 705 lived
This is a simple scenario to look at, 79% of them were actually lost as implemented vs 65% in "best case"
if you knew that odds ahead of time (before getting on the boat that could have been known) would you have gotten on board?
What is it you really want, and what are possible consequences? in times of scarcity which is
Which is the matrix vs real world?
Given there is a high chance of death in a fail (even if fantastically seemingly improbable, iceburg, sabotage/bomb, chemical explosion, infection spreading, bad or malicious piloting/captaining),
just assume that IF THERE IS A THING IT CAN COME AND GO BACK TO NOTHING (titanic, you, mean anything) it CAN even if 0.001% happen still happen, and in time will happen, and if under evil times that can be used as a shield to happen.
a ship could stop working for mechanical reasons stuck in the middle of ocean and still needing extraction
the more you can use data/evidence to choose to get off the titanic or not. and if on it how to best get your odds nearer a liferaft (e.g. right across for one, all spots filled with people you trust)
For this game this is you!
You're the Lead Engineer on the Titanic, that used to look like this.
But after a collective fail of Evil leaders, and various insanities from drinking spiked coolaid
But looks more like this.
good at fixing some things, this one can't be fixed, there isn’t one iceburg there are dozens of strikes, and people are now striping the hull to make hallucinogenic drugs, and well..running out of duck tape.
Last iceburg strike was the final one to push it over the height of it’s Icarus arc.
just found out now way to save the ship and there's not enough lifeboats, and those carry risks too if can't be picked up in time (freezing weather)
But other than that life is perceived to be "nomal" bills to pay, but in a economy and nobody can get work
Yet everybody is expected to pay money or get thrown offboard to sharks as food...for the elite.
Looks like I'm pretty close to that myself.
e.g. i have 1400 in my account and rent is 1500, titanic is sinking no place to go,
a pickup has been arranged but not sure when (e.g.
- Sodom&Gahmora vs Nuke: walk out by tonight, head west
- Titanic vs Iceburg & limited lifeboats & deep at sea: hyersonic helicopter/sub rescue:
- End Times: pretrib rapture 3/16 (the childlike faith), pre WW3 rapture (the sleepyheads)
the known destruction in a poker match vs my bill collectors vs my need of real assets and forced ejection (e.g. titanic is fully sunk if you touch frigid water it’s game over
this is END TIMES RULES (think titanic struck iceberg but not yet noticeable changes)
This is not normal times or ever will be again. They are incompatible scenes for scenario play....but the games for spy vs spy, is currently at friendly terms, around the dividing line of money/work&services as medium of interchange, the store clerk on the titanic doesn't know the news yet and has no reason to change prices for "special times"/run on store avoidance, or locking up to save her self and kids.
and to get out we may have to become different than we are, to get safe first if we know there's not enough liferafts or those getting on them weaker won't' survive the cold nights till help survives
in this model we have a say NOW 90% functional 'normal' society
so yeah you can still get milk, gas no problem in many areas (shortages ARE happening in other places/decks, just hasn't hit where we our from our supply lines/fully stocked fridge
in (Cognitive) RADAR VIEW we can start putting these into our world view as possibilites if we swapped both good and bad. e.g. what would my life be like if I were on the upper deck, super wealthy and super lazy high on cocaine or lower deck no skills/resources to move
that can quickly decline even without a calamity of which are many: so "keeping them in mind/present" should start modelling them in awareness as far possibilities moving them closer as they become probabilities
I use jagged clouds for worry/pain and swirly clouds for good things.
If you project your existence (ray cast) by daily resolution you can plot probabilites against scenarios and see 0% probable via many methods in not much time, any direction you go, and in many case not just certain death, multiple forms of it stacked. e.g. even if you escape the titanic onto the liferaft if there's nowhere to go, or nowhere to pick you up you die from any numerous ways.
You can start taking these and putting them on a tree some that lead to positive and negative outcomes.
Greater GOoD COMPASS (the path)
serving the great/er/est GOoD: has increasing synergies (e.g a trumpet player, vs trumpet bass drum) SO TOO are other guiding lights My TrueSelf: My True (possible/probable/sustainable) Future. Myself, Myself and My Other Half, Us/Our future together. Myself, My team, our Departement etc. Not hard, just a bit more effort to ask and answer the questions for all 3
- Light/Real > Dark/BlackLight/Fake
- Love/Gain > Fear/Pain
- Life/Continuing > Death/Deconstructing/Derez Declining
Figure out what is TrueYou needed over the time, keeping in mind that the Shell you MAY NOT BE POSSIBLE AGAIN. e.g. Titanic sinks, so does your job and retirement plans on it.
Not all things we use/need have to be carried everywhere, going overseas people have comparable or good enough cookware for doing normal things,
and if a few days without it shouldn't hurt you, and going without it forever wouldn't kill the TrueYou
FLUID "END TIME" RULES.=================================================
START END STATE/: systems are semi still normal/stable as "expected" for those not paying attention, life can go on "normally" notifications easily dismissable or ..delegateable "someone somewhere has got that figured out, this is the Titanic! they thought of everything"
NEAR END GAME/FAULT LINE: systems that looked stable (and trusted as such) but were unprepared do not
IN BETWEEN (special cases): a mix of some stable some not, some in complex open windows of opportunity, some knowable/predictable/manipulable, some outside of control, this is the game grid (labrynth in TIME) you have to map, to find what is there
1) SAFE(ish) PATH FORWARD: to desired goals and safeish way points (can’t live in car for a month, but could if forced live on a liferaft/car for 3 days), wouldn’t be comfortable in a house with no power/light/water, but it’s better than a tent in the weather.
2) WHERE THINGS ARE THERE TO EXPLOIT: e.g. if you know that you won’t/don’t have to pay it back you can get away with things needed but normally done. E.g. putting more money on a credit card to stock up on food while it’s still plentiful in stores, knowing that you can’t pay it, and both the credit rating, currency, bank account, are all subject to derez in a month or so....as will all others, levelling the field, but will not have been prepared for even minor outage, entirely expectant and dependent on all food/water/power/entertainmet/education/news/health care/shopping “one click + same day delivery” or in 30 minutes driving distance.
3) WHERE THINGS ARE TO AVOID NORMALLY. In this end times rules, many normal things that were ok are now liabilities looking at opportunity costs.
e.g. Spending an hour going to starbucks and “catching up” on facebook/twitter was “normal”, a chit chat with a friend about stuff you don’t really care about that much (work/tv/politics as solutions) knowing they won’t and can’t exist much longer.
EXAMPLE 1: Tron and (dying)Yuri in Sarks Prison facing near derez
Here it's not known by Sark the full extent of his power as a User as Sark is overconfident in his power (especially when juiced up by the MCP) and unfamiliar with the power a User has in creativity/coding, as he creates these types programs is the super set of possible moves they don't/can''t know/act on.
EXAMPLE 2: Tron vs MCP vs Sark (defense/offense)
EXAMPLE2: in rent vs tennant vs investor vs landlord IN (good bad times)
Landlords advantages market: housing shortage, people hungry, price flexibility, jack up prices be rude with impunity
ACTIONS: can evict $$+20 days,
Tennants advantages: housing expensive and plentiful and hyper competitive in work forcing entire market up, add in "game of monopoly" where houses are fixed/flip or torn down for multilevel there are many dynamics happening at the exact moment in time.
GOAL: only pay what you have to. Say we have an extraction date of:
- BEST CASE: 3/15=73%,
- REASONABLE CASE: 3/20=90%,
a real threat draws blood/real pain in minutes, not hypothetical.
a possible real threat is knowing when that will happen, e.g. the titanic deck 20th will sink by 23rd.
- a letter taped to your door saying "pay up or else"
- a nasty phone call or voice mail
- a legitimate entry order to inspect the place/subterfuge
- a person breaking down your door, throwing you naked on street in cold
if they are playing by the conventions, then you need to understand what those are "under law"
a landlord in CA cannot for example, bar entry, turn off utilities, they have do things "legally" officially,
Eviction is a court & police thing (both failure points) that costs time and money that the Landlord will not want to do unless necessary, it costs more money than just having a tennant leave of own accord, as well has opportunity costs ...in crisis times this means that 1) it may be harder for them to do in a timely fashion "putting out forest fires" 2) their ability get things done...also gets harder as it's a systemic collapse
e.g. Say they have to go to court, but everybody is there with similar issues, and thus what used to be fast now takes hours or multiple tries RUSH HOUR.
Same backlog/overload with enforcement, e.g. say the court issues a writ for eviction which has to be served by a policeman, in crisis they may be overloaded, and quite frankly the normal service level might already be such that norml crimes like mugging and scams, arson aren't even getting processed in a reasonable time frame...so eviction may not be super high on their priority list and on the titanic this means it might get pushed past a fault line (cracks in half, still some things work) or dead line (nothing works).
At some fault lines they will have to deal with their own live issues, e.g. if a disaster hits, then their crew will be affected directly or not, so it's no longer possible to have work done, and they to may have personal worries.
- e.g. hyperinflation, money is meaningless
- glitch : e.g. mobile internet goes out, all planning with GPS becomes impossible
- boat cracks in half (fault line)
- Part with needed thing sinks (dead line)
in the eyes of the living GOoD "matter doesn't matter" ONLY LIFE THAT SERVES THE GREAT/ER/EST GOOD. So what was rude/inconsiderate in normal times is a poker game in war times, you have no obligation to a set of rules that are "made up" (e..g if the US is destroyed in WW3, all rules around bills/penalties will end up.. e.g. a landlord/investor wanting money on the day before WW3 will not use it (odd are it will enter a bank that may not exist for long) over you say buying food while there's till buying power of money and food available (is the greater GOoD)
the system they need to enact that breaks down. Like in modern America people expect the system to do all the work for them. It's a law, cop, military, public service to maintain peace and enact laws, people want to be cowards, comfortable in tiny comfort zones and like a friend "a bottle of Jack Daniels" fakebook/dogs/devices so they don't have to listen to the rest of the world.
We then play with scenarios:
- FIRE FIRE FIRE! EJECT EJECT EJECT! say for no reason preventable ( a lightning bolt, careless neighbor) a fire breaks out and you have to leave the house NOW, ALL is lost and you have limited ability to carry, this is the MVP "alive but barely" kit, (e.g. 3 days of clothes, wallet/cash, water bottle), ipad/phone, charger probably not workstation. Same goes for earthquakes, ideally have this near the door and wearable (vs a car ) as then you can be sure you have it whatever happens.
- GET AWAY: frame it positively say you had to leave for a week as they were repainting, or a special friend was near, and you could do a AirBnb a state away for $500/mo or so. CAMPING is also an option
- DO NOTHING: where does it fail? e.g. the landlord may tape a note, then call, then has to go through the legal (+5 days) then they need to get a officer (+5 days) to give you a notice which gives you 5 days to get out on your own before force. Which is 2 weeks leeway. Possibly (if Titanic is slow sinking):
- FALL DOWN A LEVEL: become someone else's roommate/cellmate for a bit till you can get what you need done.
- FALL A FEW LEVELS DOWN: e..g for me as a monk, join a monastary, or shelter in exchange for room and board is an option
ITEMIZE OUR OPTIONS (with an eye on Golden Rule (light and dark golden rule compatibility and the greater GOoD guiding stars.
ACTIONS: "play dead"
a strategy used by possums, Andy Dufrense in his years escaping Shawshank with Warden, a role of defeated minimal exposure, to promote ambiquity till provoked " is it still living"
NOTE: this can be an interesting strategy in passive/aggressive stressful times. Using unknowns and ambiquities against them. "anything you say can be used against you" (so don't say anything, even if you should as you are in a poker vs normal "good and fair" times.
Where say you're in a house, the lights are out, but the car is there, making it unclear if you're asleep, sick/migraine, injured, dead from natural causes, etc. IF door is closed, locked and bolted it no longer behaves like a normal social situation.
People who only truly care about themselves will, "turn a blind" eye to delay aggressive strategies and expect others to do the work for them, as stress is added to the system less gets done in a timly fashion and sometimes things just drop out. e..g person quits nother person has to get hired/trained what used to be fast is now slow.
ACTIONS: do nothing, lazy bum, absent minded, space cadet
- if they are aggressive evictors: (e.g. armed force now) you pay early, no life no play
- if they are lazy legistlate/law dependent paper pushers, you can do nothing, the courts take 15 days minimum and
ACTIONS: minimal viable valid excuse: play dead/sick/hospital/gone/bank/tech issue
- ..get.+ 15 day delay before eviction start, but place would be not worth living if utilities are off.
- 0-150 late fee + 0-75 overdraft fees.
- They can't make a decision as they don't know your true intentions, giving an extra float. e.g. 20th (20th day late), you say you were extremely sick and will pay by the 24th what's the late fee?
ACTION: pay partial (e.g. 1/2 a week) still with credit card/food not much time can be bought
ACTION: get in lifeboat asap: e.g. cash out for any risk of credit cards/etc , find a AIRBNB or friends local you can get to to extend till past even fault line, deadline.
As the titanic is sinking, there is a cascade failure on top of failure, like any s
but i believe i’ll be gone mid month 3/16 (one way or another family/road trip airbn, camping, rapture)
faultline is the place in time where there are some consequences vs no consequences to taking the ation
is it even possible? e.g. on titanic the landlord normally wants to evict your loft, but in end times NO ONE has guarantees, is it something he can do physically,
To have a meaningful interaction and extension into future (or blocking theirs if necessary to enable yours) there has to be a fair consideration of what rules are being played by
MOVING: from flawless Arch enemies (winner takes ALL) -> frenemy with flaws ->to bipolar self
red/blue (no rest), or stable relationship, on stable or unstable, even or uneven, compatible or neutral interactions, formally defined, or roughly defined
In this TENANT vs LANDLORD there are formal contracts, with implied and actual things that are evaluated separately.
e.g. Rent is DUE the 1st, but still ok by the 7th, even later by the 14th if they like you or say you get a number wrong and they HAVE to have it exact for their accounting practices.
They will take it cashier check by the 23rd with a large late fee, with a wary eye of this happening regularly, though technically, they are not effected either way, I regularly see rooms open for months, expensive repairs, remodels when tennants change...some unfathomably horrible...these are ALL a part of NORMAL business, they deal with people, from worst to the best.
Present or escapist (to when, a month ago, as we launched?
close your eyes, and presence check, am I AT THIS *EXACT* MOMENT
Stop look go.
- INSIDE am I doing something that serves the TrueYou Greater GOoD? (physical/pirtual sustainable health/happiness
- safe enough
- warm enough
- fed enough
the fears that are there you have to immediately act on, how far away are they.
- am I playing with Normal or End times playbooks and to what goal: materialist, nihilist, spiritualist
e.g. eggs just a minute to long on hot will burn/yucky taste. a minute too short, runny/gross.
can you play really sick+doctors, get an empathy delay (or late fee/penalty reduction)
or technical/bank error (bounced check) and get away with a late fee delay past the fault/deadline
While this might be a new HORRIBLE thing for you, say eviction is a NORMAL part of business for a Landlord, one they do regularly
- am I playing with Normal or End times playbooks and to what goal: materialist, nihilist, spiritualist
- how much do i want to keep or get rid of this tennant ,long time, loyalty/hatred,
- what are the opportunity costs? could the tenants all be ejected and building sold? for a 1 time payout
- what is this tennant pro/cons vs other we can get there. How does a war/currency collapse affect that
- if he does know it's a calamity does he tell everybody (lifeboat limitation, panic, aggression to him), or tell tham after he's gone (leave a note)
e.g. first round is paper, or phone call 'saber rattling' no real power ALL BARK
pending threat is SERVING NOTICE (by hand, most are chickenshit, PENDING THREAT but not A DIRECT THREAT YET
real threat is POLICEMAN KNOCKING ON DOOR escorting you onto the street/car which will need FALLBACK OPTIONS/CONSIDERATIONS
first get to know the rules in play (e..g state by state rules about how these things go, realize LANDLORD would have to, can they turn off your water, power, electricity, if they are shutting down on the titanic, what goes first, can you do without gas and heat/cook with electric? a solar panel?
Are the rules truly understood or not. Many scams involve exploting lags/cracks. if validation on a from submission\
if this is a YOU<==>contract<==>THEM
at each boundaries of TrueYou, ShellYou(s), the contract, and TrueThem, Shellthem (as landlord, obligations to team, obligations to investors, requirements by city/county/state/government
- by email/txt/voicemail?
- by physical mail, note on door, note on car?
- will they physically knock on door, escort you out?
e.g. a weekday, with a traffic cop, and warrant for removal, acknowledgement that you have seen this.
would they use a shill (decoy ) pizza delivery driver, wrong number "sorry just trying to get in to see a friend got the wrong address (not meaning it/meaning it..how would you know? e.g. who are you looking for...(real person in building, or not), what is the right path if spy (haven't seen him for months, think he moved; don't know new here/don't know anybody yet or innocent (check in the directory..he's on floor 1)
eviction notice is not being evicted, and that needs a court order which normally takes 30 days,WAAY past the time the whole issue is moot, the titanic sinks no point in anything on board/curency/investors even if "fabulously rich" a few days ago
thus do nothing option, if say 30th (one month 'stolen) is what's needed then it's gooder to spend it on food/pay basic utilities (internet electricity) side stepping paying credit cards if needed, and cashing out prior to them being able to lock other accounts. Of course burning the bridge preemptively.
What else can happen
andy DUES EX MACHINA/Miracles/Acts of Gods. e.g. State goes bankrupt nullifying all contracts. Currency goes kaput nobody can use it, a EMP knocks out the banking/computing so that nobody knows what's going on.
Itemize them ..to banish a fear, you must understand what purpose it is serving (protection) and some of these are real but not a present threat
EXAMPLE CASE STUDY IN FEAR: I can get evicted vs Rapture
NOTE:*if you serve a greater GOoD your path will come to you when you need it though not in the way you might expect until it's right in front of you, you realize you need money for a month of rent, and a friend is doing a trade school, and realize you could have a win win scenario her renting out a spare room, paying the bills that month, which next month some other "just enough, tight but enough" (perfect planning has zero waste, and sometimes a fair amount of overcoming pain (e.g icarus building wings from scratch vs trying to make a home in the labrynth, or some swimming )
METHOD: WMA (What _the F!ck_ Happened, What _the F!ck_ Does it Mean, What _F!cking_ action do I have/need to take next?
NOTE#1:(scale the _F!ck_ to whatever emotional tone works best for you, normally I only need this in crisises
NOTE#2: this example is just a real life 'last minute' reference, that I used in these/my end times to help think through, they are NOT a polished work, it's a bit like post-it notes, the goal is to get the thoughts out and organized just enough to take minimal viable action, iterate and repeat, this Game of Life is continually changing for both good and bad.
There were done in the mindmap tool Freeplane on Mac/pc but paper/pen also work fine.
#0 A meta guide,
All paths need a compass, e.g. the great/er/est GOoD serving people as profits (vs profits over people)
a compass and guiding stars to help sort out which issues are more important and less and what worst case you may have to do. He's tie break.
#1 What happened?
#2 What does it Mean?
#3 What Do I do Next?
Example Cognitive Radar Top 3 (good/great/er/est GOoD I can commit to Go on)
note the use of stars and groups to help prioritize which patterns are favored vs less.
here I audio journal and go on a walk & talk (use a 'smart' audio recorder on my phone, that skips silence), playing/pretending with another me, in future or past wiser as "devils/angels advocate
I'm afraid ...I will soon face eviction
ok when exactly, how will it fall out, by what process/person, for what, what does the law say about that?
well laws vary from state to state, CA says there’s a short court process and a back and forth of dispute, before
any way you could stay if you absolutely had too (e.g. UNFORSEEN MIRACLE: pickup by helicopter/UFO)?
i have stuff i can sell or work to pay that but room for little else, i've got enough health issues ( think like car accident) that favor a room ( e.g. dark for migraine)
hyperinflation and or food shortages end up constraining what can be done, not like fresh fruits/foods travel well or are available everywhere in distress
this resource of TIME vs MONEY/FOOD/SHELTER...toilet paper on x vs y axis
what is most loving? the greater good for me and others (on the titanic collapsing)
date good:normal scenario/edge : => pay bills=>NO WIN
being “bad” relative to normal :
game it/screw your neighbor/investor
get evicted ( this is a paper game, takes time, they have limits to how they can act against you..a delay)
but not bad at a higher greater good perspective: All will fall in 2 weeks to 1 month..a black hole that devours the world no one wins
so can
as shortly they’ll have a much real problem! currency collpase/ hyperinflation, wasting my effort and whatever good i can still do having a active internet and quasi home.
similar ethic mess, range of do it for real ( selling stuff...to people who won’t get to use it long, but don’t won’t know that