Mini-Course Medical Device Regulation - 6 Days Challenge

Mini-Course Medical Device Regulation - 6 Days Challenge

The current new Hot Topic on the Medical Device Industry is named MDR 2017/745. This brings some changes to the business and needs actions now. But some companies are still thinking that they have time for it.

If they were aware of the impact on their company they would immediately change their mind and start to carry out the changes now.

To increase your awareness, I propose you to take part to a 6 days email course. Within 6 days, you'll be on a place to say that you have the high level information for this change. Your mission then will be to Act Now.

I propose you to participate to a 6 Days email course.

What is an email course?

An email course is a series of emails that you will receive every day. On each of those email you will learn something that is important for your business on MDR 207/745.

Usually, this is something that people are paying to be part of. For my email course, I decided to give it for free. As it took me really a lot of time to build all this, I hope you'll really not give up and go until the end.

My main goal is for people to learn more on Medical Devices. So if after those 6 days, this course offer you just a bit more of awareness, my mission would be accomplished.

How will this work?

For each topic on the Medical Device Regulation 2017/745, I will give you the high level information you need to learn.

This is easy information to digest but you'll need to read all the emails to get the benefits of it.


On Day 6, you will receive the link to a Quiz with 10 questions. If you reach the score of 8 out 10 then I can consider that you succeeded.

Don't give up and go until the end. This is really for you.

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