MiNext? Weekly Newsletter | Mental Health Matters, Take Care of Yourself
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MiNext? Weekly Newsletter | Mental Health Matters, Take Care of Yourself?
One of the questions you should ask an employer during the interview process is, how do they support their employees and what is their work environment like? These questions are a priority to know as it allows you to understand if you are going to adapt within their work culture and if you are going to get the support you need to maintain a healthy work-balance.?
But why are we mentioning this topic, why is it as important as getting the job? Well, let’s talk about it!?
LATEST BLOG | Wellness in the Workplace: The Crucial Role of Companies in Promoting Holistic Health
Your health should be your number one priority. Your job should not be making you feel anxious and overwhelmed everyday. You should be able to wake up with the feeling of excitement because you have a work-life balance and are confident in your work.
Granted, of course we sometimes choose a job because it pays the bills but we should not have to sacrifice our wellbeing and mental health just to get the job done. Which is why it’s important that we recognize companies that do implement wellness programs within their workplace.?
In our latest blog, we dive into different types of wellness programs and ways it can impact the work culture. The blog will give you ideas that you can propose to your employer or if you are a business owner, implement within your own company.?
For more details, read more here:?
FOOD FOR THOUGHT | When interviewing, one of the questions you can ask is what type of wellness initiatives an organization offers to its employees. This question will help you gain a better understanding of the organization’s work culture.?
TIPS FOR YOU | 5 Ways to Practice Self Care
There’s different ways you can practice self care, here are 5 things you can do to create a better self-care habit for yourself.
Want to learn more about taking care of yourself, read more here: https://minextstep.com/blog16-how-to-practice-self-care.html
In addition, here is a couple books we suggest readings on well-being and taking care of yourself:
Well-being at Work (Jim Clifton and Jim Harter)
Eat Better, Feel Better (Giada De Larentiis)
They are great reads and will keep you motivated in taking care of yourself.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT |? Thinking of taking care of yourself but struggle, look around and watch how you take care of others (your family, friends, partner) this will give you an idea of how you should take care of yourself and things you like ;)
WE’RE HERE FOR YOU | Don’t be afraid to ask for help <3?
Are you struggling and need someone to talk to? Reach out and? connect with a mental health professional one-on-one:
Canada Help: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/mental-health-services/mental-health-get-help.html
MORNING COMMUTE PLAYLIST | To keep you in an upbeat mood on the way to the office
Need a vibing playlist on the way to work? Check out the #spotifyplaylist we created for you:
??Morning Commute | Playlist
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