Mineral Transmission Through Slurry Non Abrasive Piping System

Mineral Transmission Through Slurry Non Abrasive Piping System

Off late the mineral transmission from mines to utility has become very costlier due to hike in fuel prices. It is ideal to use FRP pipe with inner non abrasive layer and reinforced by FRP layer mixed with fire resistant resin. Since the inner layer hardness is 8.5 mho scale any mineral particularly iron ore hardness 5.5 - 6.5 mho hardness cannot make any abrasive dent and the loss of material is negligible. This pipe can be used be appropriately for boiler bottom ash slurry pumping, sand dredging operation, due to considerable life extension and economical cost. For all mineral transport the present truck and rail system became very costlier and this piping transmission reduces the cost less than half apart from other benefits. The other advantages to go for these type of non abrasive FRP based vinylester resin are as follows

  • It is very light comparing to MS less than 1/3rd.
  • Its inner layer hardness is MHO 8.5 hence iron ore having hardness 5.5-6.5 reduce to around 3 after adding water making slurry.
  • Its modulus of elasticity is more than 10000mpa.
  • Its coeff. of roughness as per HAZEN &WILLIUMS is 150 against MS 120 initial but reduces as age goes for the required age of plant may be 30years.Hence there will be huge difference in electrical power consumption. For example this factor reduces for MS to 80 after 5 years where as for OUR pipe same 150 due to glassy surface.
  • The life span of FRP is 30-50 years comparing to 20-30 years for MS and it is non corrosive in contact with various buried soils
  • The cost of the FRP based pipe is much cheaper comparing MS
  • Our pipe withstands 90 degree centigrade continuously which is adequate for this transmission
  • The outer layer being fire resistant and being thermoset plastic when buried cannot be detected by metal detectors or any sabotage.

For further details please contact

Website : www.extracocomposites.com

Contact details : 9444416493 / 9597607430

E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected]


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