Mineral Jackpot (MJ) - Gold, Silver Claim Group - Nevada, USA
Great Western Mining Corp PLC
London listed (AIM GWMO.L) mineral exploration & development company in Nevada, USA. Gold, silver & copper projects.
Mineral Jackpot comprises five adjoining historic gold and silver mines, with high-grade vein mineralisation visible in open shafts and adits.
Great Western field surveys have doubled the potential mineralisation over these five adjoining, historic gold and silver mines.
The discovery of 51 spoil heaps?at historic mine workings, potentially covering 14,000 m2, also gives?Mineral Jackpot shorter term precious metals processing potential.?A commercial project is at an advanced planning stage.
Drilling is planned as part of the 2022 work programme, made possible with a conventional RC rig by the recently completed 14 km road construction and upgrade.
Great Western?has a target range of 50,000?- 100,000 oz gold for Mineral Jackpot.
Key Facts
Geological mapping at the Mineral Jackpot target?indicates the presence of mineralised sheeted quartz veins in host granite, prospective for narrow vein, high grade precious metals. Grab sampling of spoil dumps from former workings carried out in 2015 by Great Western yielded results of 5.6 g/t Au and 19.1 g/t Au.
Historic geological reports point to at least 7 subparallel lodes, prospective for Au-Ag-U mineralisation in both the quartz veining and the surrounding altered vein selvedge. Historical production has left numerous residual shafts and adits covering an area of approximately 0.5 km2.
In 2018 the company added 66 new claims?to the eastern side of the?Black Mountain Group. These claims cover the Silver Moon and Silver Bell prospects which have been historically worked for gold and silver.
More recent grab sampling by?Great Western personnel has yielded gold grades of 15.2 g/t Au and 95.6 g/t Au, within in-situ vein material at the Silver Bell and Silver Moon prospects, highlighting the untapped potential of this area.
Soil sampling conducted in 2019 focused on identifying strike extensions of existing known veins, along with the testing of ground between the Mineral Jackpot and Silver Bell deposits. The soil sampling programme has approximately doubled the previously defined mineralisation footprint at Mineral Jackpot, with over 2km of strike length now exposed.
There is strong evidence to suggest that there is further previously undefined mineralisation between the Cabin Rock area, and the main workings, as well as a continuation of the Cabin Rock mineralisation towards the southeast.
Mineral Jackpot offers both exploration potential?and shorter term precious metals processing from?spoil?heaps?at historic mine workings.
Mineral Jackpot consists of five adjacent historical gold and silver mines in mountainous terrain. Recent field surveys have doubled previously-mapped mineralisation.
Rock chip sampling, soil sampling, magnetometer surveys and drone surveys?over Mineral Jackpot?are complete.
Drilling is planned as part of the 2022 work programme, made possible with a conventional RC rig by the recently completed 14 km road construction and upgrade.
Precious Metals Processing
In late 2020 Great Western extracted spoil heap material?at historical gold and silver mine workings in the Mineral Jackpot Group, producing a small doré bar made up of gold, silver and other minerals.
This has proved the initial concept of spoil heap recovery in the area.
135 kg from the same load was air-freighted to the UK and extensively tested over a 4-month period in a specialised laboratory.
Lab analysis concluded that a relatively straightforward gravity separation operation could economically produce commercial quantities of gold and silver and would be effective for this particular material and maybe subsequently enhanced by a?cyanide-leaching operation.
A Consultant Metallurgist?has been engaged by the Company to formulate a first stage commercial project, the preliminary design stage of which is now complete.
Project design envisages new prices for equipment, whereas capital cost may be reduced with good quality used equipment, widely available in the area and currently being sourced.
A summer 2021 field trip revealed that the spoil heaps are materially more extensive than previously calculated, with 51 heaps in total, potentially covering 14,000 m2 (previously 38 heaps covering 5,000 m2).?Assay results from spoil heap material sampling at the Mineral Jackpot claim group were announced on 23 February 2022 and?the announcement can be viewed here.
Processing may be simplified by producing concentrate and selling it to a refinery rather than pouring precious metals in a remote location which has associated security risks.
On 29 March 2022 Great Western announced that the upgrade of the road to the Mineral Jackpot group of properties, to enable access for large vehicles, including rigs and associated equipment for drilling operations and trucks to enable removal of spoil material for processing, is now complete.?The announcement can be viewed here.