Minecraft Islam
Jeremy Deering
Excited to help others through cyberbullying research. Enthusiastic about marketing, strategic management & democracy-building with EdTech startups
Educational video games can help us to achieve peace on earth. This is my goal, and I would like to reach out to others, who share this dream. Of course education is the most important factor when it comes to achieving this goal. Now I believe that educational video games will help us to make learning about the world's cultures fun. For instance, educational video games can teach about the world's diverse cultures with games about geography, languages, architecture, and more.
Now, I have studied the Minecraft Islamic Architecture, which has been created by the Minecraft players. On top of these images, I have added my written text and phrases with an explanation for educational purposes. In other words I have researched what the Minecraft players have created, and I have created educational memes. For example, I have included images from several countries with Islamic architecture. In summary this is a part of my research study, where I am researching the architecture, made by Minecraft players. Overall I want to create a world of peace. And I would like help to achieve this. Thank you for reading.