Minecraft Education
Jeremy Deering
Excited to help others through cyberbullying research. Enthusiastic about marketing, strategic management & democracy-building with EdTech startups
Minecraft Education WBI Prototype Site Development & Evaluation
by Jeremy Deering
In order to become an expert in online education, I was a part of a three person team that created an educational technology project. Overall there were four areas for this project. I wrote the Development and Evaluation areas for this web-based instruction (WBI) project: In other words, as a part of a Minecraft Education team, I created these two parts. (So I am not including the two other parts, which were written by my teammates.)
Note: This may not be reprinted without my permission. I am including this paper to demonstrate my theoretical knowledge and research within the educational gamification field.
Minecraft Education Edition provides a unique educational technology tool for students and teachers. In fact, Minecraft is a sandbox adventure world, and its interface can be applied to education. With educational Minecraft, there are many "possibilities regarding immersive learning environments." Cózar-Gutiérrez & Sáez-López, 2016, p. 1). Clearly Minecraft has tremendous potential to help the students learn. Here I discuss the development and evaluation of an educational Minecraft web-based interface (WBI) prototype site.
Area 1: Development
Development of Minecraft Educational Theory
In order to develop the Minecraft educational web-based instruction, the instructional designer must understand the theoretical framework. For example, Ramón Cózar-Gutiérrez and José Manuel Sáez-López have written the 2016 research article titled "Game-based learning and gamification in initial teacher training in the social sciences: an experiment with MinecraftEdu." Studying this research, one sees that the successful Minecraft educational WBI development model depends upon creating an immersive learning environment, increasing learner motivation, and helping the students to achieve the course's learning objectives.
First, successful Minecraft educational WBI development involves creating an immersive learning environment. As explained by Cózar-Gutiérrez and Sáez-López (2016), Minecraft is "an immersive environment that responds to the sandbox model." (p. 3). This matters because the Minecraft 3D world is an immersive experience for its users. Since the students can explore the game like a sandbox, they have the choice of where to go within the educational gaming levels. Because they decide where to go, this makes the students feel as though they are actually inside the learning environment.
Additionally, there are tools within the Minecraft Education Edition. For instance, there is an "educational community composed of teachers and programmers... with a set of specific tools for the development of educational activities." (Cózar-Gutiérrez & Sáez-López, 2016, p. 3). Clearly these tools help the educational environment to be more immersive. Since the teacher can choose the specific tools for the particular lesson, there is a great opportunity for the instructor to target the audience for the Minecraft educational lessons. In other words, these tools can relate to the specific grade level. For example, there can be lessons for learning numbers before learning geometry. The novelty is that each student has an avatar; therefore, it is like a personalized educational adventure for each student.
The immersive Minecraft educational environment helps with sequencing. Often in the educational environment, the student will have to learn to complete projects in a step-by-step method. Since the Minecraft educational lessons have a sandbox world, the students will have to move that world in a logical sequence in order to solve their learning tasks. For instance, an instructional designer "sequences the objectives to promote the most efficient and effective performance." (Davidson-Shivers, 2018, p. 201). When the students are taking part in solving Minecraft learning quests, those students are learning to solve problems with computational thinking. Over time with Minecraft, the students immerse themselves in an educational problem-solving environment.
Second, learner motivation matters when developing the WBI educational Minecraft. During teacher training with Minecraft, "more than 94% indicate that communication, interaction and motivation in learning processes are positive aspects." (Cózar-Gutiérrez & Sáez-López, 2016, p. 5). So motivated teachers can in turn motivate the students. There is a large positive belief in educational Minecraft.
Motivation helps to maintain the students' interest levels. For instance, "game-based learning through immersive environments allows for learning that involves a higher level of activity and engagement of the students." (Cózar-Gutiérrez & Sáez-López, 2016, p. 1). Every teacher wants to have active learners. When those learners are engaged with Minecraft, they will be more likely to participate. In fact, the "interest level, educational innovation and motivation are valued positively and show statistically significant improvements." (Cózar-Gutiérrez & Sáez-López, 2016, p. 1). This is the evidence that shows that educational Minecraft increases student motivational levels.
Likewise motivation increases when the students engage in meaningful learning experiences. For example, gamification is used to "create a meaningful and motivating experience through the integration of mechanical play in non-recreational environments and applications." (Cózar-Gutiérrez & Sáez-López, 2016, p. 2). Now that is true for gamification in general. So educational Minecraft is one example of this educational gamification.
Lastly making learning fun can also increase student motivation. As a matter of fact, there are "statistically significant improvements in terms of increased motivation and task commitment and enjoyment [which] are connected with video games" (Cózar-Gutiérrez & Sáez-López, 2016, p. 2). When the students look forward to playing educational video games, they will be more motivated during their learning assignments.
Third, Minecraft helps the students to achieve the course's learning objectives. When studying with Minecraft, "the environment [is] personalized by and adapted to different educational levels and subject areas." (Cózar-Gutiérrez & Sáez-López, 2016, p. 3). Essentially educational Minecraft can be modified for different levels and subjects. In fact it is this adaptability which helps the students to learn multiple subjects. For example, there is Minecraft for science, math, computer science, language arts, history & culture, etc. Plus, within each subject area there are multiple lessons.
Simulations with gamification will help the students to achieve their learning objectives. For example, Minecraft Education Edition helps with "the simulation of situations, improved decision-making, and immediate feedback." (Cózar-Gutiérrez & Sáez-López, 2016, p. 3). In those circumstances, educational Minecraft allows the students to simulate the effects of their decisions. Consequently there is feedback, so the students can learn from simulations with gamification.?
In contrast, in a regular classroom learning environment, the learning is less individualized. Here the course instructor can ask the entire class questions, but not every student may get a chance to participate. In this way educational Minecraft has the advantage of using simulations to help the individual student to participate and to achieve the learning objectives.
Finally the teachers are inspired to achieve the learning objectives too. "The benefits of 3D interactive gaming environments in initial teacher training also get positive values from over 90 % of the sample." (Cózar-Gutiérrez & Sáez-López, 2016, p. 4). When the teachers are trained to use educational Minecraft, they will be better able to create their own course learning objectives with this learning tool.
Development of Minecraft Education according to ISTE Standards: Students
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has ISTE standards for students. These standards can be applied to the development of educational Minecraft WBI.?
1.1 Empowered Learner
Using Minecraft Education Edition, students can be empowered during their learning. The Minecraft interface allows the student learners to choose where they go within each lesson. While using this software, the students will be able to demonstrate their abilities in various subject matters. For example, for math instruction, the students will be able to explore Minecraft worlds, by using x, y, and z coordinates. When they complete the lesson, the students will achieve the knowledge, which is needed to advance to the next class.
1.2 Digital Citizen
Minecraft Education Edition helps to develop the students' digital citizenship skills. For instance, the students are responsible to explore the Minecraft environment. And the teacher trusts that the students will remain on task throughout their Minecraft lessons. Overall, the students have the opportunity to learn in an interconnected Minecraft world.
1.3 Knowledge Constructor
With the resources of the Minecraft Education Edition digital tools, the students have the knowledge to study in this virtual environment. Basically, there are rules, which are used to engage in the Minecraft virtual world. And the students have to construct a reality which educates them about various subject matters. Consequently, these students are active knowledge constructors because they can creatively solve problems in the Minecraft world.
1.4 Innovative Designer
After the teachers have set up the Minecraft educational courses, the students participate in those virtual worlds. Essentially the students are participating within a 3D sandbox world where they can create their own realities. In those situations, the students can use their imaginations to be innovative. Certainly, creativity matters for Minecraft students because there can be multiple methods for solving the various educational levels.
1.5 Computational Thinker
By using Minecraft Education Edition, the students can learn about computational thinking skills. For example, decomposition means breaking up the problems into smaller parts. If there is a math problem for solving the volume of an object, then that problem can be broken down into the steps of examining the course layout, measuring the individual blocks, adding up the blocks in each row, and applying the volume formula of length times width times depth. Once one problem is solved, then the patterns of that problem can be recognized. After this procedure is understood, then the problem's steps are generalized. Finally an algorithm can be designed, so similar problems can be solved more quickly. Basically Minecraft Education Edition is a form of training the learners, so they can become more efficient students.
1.6 Creative Communicator
Communicating together in a Minecraft world, the students can use the learning tools in the Education Edition's classroom. Essentially the virtual world is meant to represent a kind of virtual school. Pretty much the students have the opportunity to creatively explore and communicate their results with their fellow students, teachers, and others. This is good because in both school and life in general it is important to know how to communicate online. By working together online, the Minecraft Education Edition learners will practice those communication skills.
1.7 Global Collaborator
Since the students are working together online, the Minecraft Education Edition learners can work with anyone throughout the whole world. Studying online, these students can meet a diverse, global audience. Of course, this also helps the students to be prepared for future Minecraft lessons.
Area 2: Evaluation
Formative Evaluation?
For Minecraft Education with Math?
Formative Evaluation Goal?
?The primary purpose of this formative evaluation is to test the students' math knowledge before they take part in the Minecraft Education Edition math instruction.?
?The secondary purpose of this formative evaluation is to test the students' interest in the Minecraft Education Edition software itself.?
These tests may be in the form of surveys. First, there can be multiple choice closed-ended questions. Second, there can be open-ended discussion questions. For organizational purposes, these surveys will test the appeal, effectiveness, and efficiency of the Minecraft education math instruction.?
Formative Evaluation Survey Section 1 Appeal?
Multiple choice closed-ended questions?
1. Have you played any version of Minecraft previously? Yes?No?
2. Have you played an educational version of Minecraft previously? Yes?No?
3. How often do you play any version of Minecraft??
Everyday??Once a week Once a month Once a year Never?
4. How often do you play an educational version of Minecraft??
Everyday??Once a week Once a month Once a year Never?
On a scale from 1 to 10, assess your interest in the following. 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.?
5. I want to learn more about numbers and algebra by using an educational version of Minecraft.?
6. I want to learn more about measurement and geometry by using an educational version of Minecraft.?
7. I want to learn more about statistics and probability by using an educational version of Minecraft.?
8. I want to learn more about math in general by using an educational version of Minecraft.?
Open-ended discussion questions?
9. What do you like about Minecraft the game??
10. How would you like to use educational Minecraft for learning??
As an example of using educational Minecraft, here are some images from the Minecraft: Education Edition's YouTube channel. The first image shows that educational Minecraft has numerous instructional possibilities. For example, these lessons include topics in science, math, computer science, language arts, history & culture, art & design, digital citizenship, social emotional, and equity & inclusion. Second, the next image says, "View Library: Access ready-made editable world from within the Minecraft: Education edition app." (Minecraft: Education Edition, 2021). In the middle, the image says, "View My Worlds." And the image on the right side says, "View Library." What this means is that the Worlds are what the teacher has created. But the Library has the ready-made educational worlds. So the teacher does NOT have to build these from scratch; the library Minecraft areas can be used as templates for lesson building. Many already have complete lessons, attached to them. Consequently, Minecraft already is a ready-made sandbox educational world. In summary these images represent the "appeal" of educational Minecraft. And they can be introduced during the introduction of the formative assessment.?
Formative Evaluation Survey Section 2 Effectiveness?
1. Have you used any educational computer software to learn about numbers and algebra? Yes?No?
2. Have you used any educational computer software to learn about measurement and geometry? Yes?No?
3. Have you used any educational computer software to learn about statistics & probability? Yes?No?
4. Did these math lessons have any games as a part of the lesson? Yes No?
On a scale from 1 to 10, assess your confidence in the following. 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.?
5. I feel confident when using numbers and place value.?
6. I feel confident when using fractions and decimals.?
7. I feel confident when using real numbers.?
8. I feel confident when using patterns and algebra.?
9. I feel confident when using linear and non-linear relationships.?
10. I feel confident when using financial math.?
11. I feel confident when using units of geometric measurement.?
12. I feel confident when measuring shapes.?
13. I feel confident when using Pythagoras and trigonometry.?
14. I feel confident when using geometric reasoning.?
15. I feel confident when using statistics.?
16. I feel confident when using data representation.?
17. I feel confident when using probability.?
18. I feel confident when using random numbers.?
19. I want to learn more about numbers and algebra by using an educational version of Minecraft.?
20. I want to learn more about measurement and geometry by using an educational version of Minecraft.?
21. I want to learn more about statistics and probability by using an educational version of Minecraft.?
22. I want to learn more about math by using an educational version of Minecraft.?
Open-ended discussion questions?
23. In your own words, please describe how you have used computers to study math.?
24. In your own words, how do you think computers could be better used to teach math??
25. How would you like to use Minecraft Education Edition to learn math??
Here are some additional images from the Minecraft: Education Edition's YouTube channel. Images 3, 4, 5, and 6 relate to the effectiveness of the students' initial knowledge. In other words, do the students feel proficient in the math areas of Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, and Statistics & Probability? Basically, this is a pretest of the student's knowledge within those topics.?
Formative Evaluation Survey Section 3 Efficiency?
On a scale from 1 to 10, assess your speed at solving the following math problems. 1 being the slowest and 10 being the fastest.?
1. Are you slow or fast when it comes to solving math problems for area and volume??
2. Are you slow or fast when it comes to solving math problems with area = length X width??
3. Are you slow or fast when it comes to solving math problems with area = probability??
4. Are you slow or fast when it comes to solving math problems with area = quadrilaterals??
5. Are you slow or fast when it comes to solving math problems with coordinates x, y, z for geolocation??
Open-ended discussion questions?
6. Are you faster with math when using computers or pencil and paper? If yes, why do you think that's so??
7. What kinds of geometry lessons would you like to learn from Minecraft Education Edition? Examples can be area, volume, shapes, or more geometry.?
8. What kinds of probability lessons would you like to learn from Minecraft Education Edition? One example is a fishing game, where the numbers for the types of caught fish are recorded as statistics.?
9. Can you think of any other types of statistical computer games??
10. How would you like to use Minecraft Education Edition to teach about statistics??
Here are some additional images from the Minecraft: Education Edition's YouTube channel. Images 7, 8, and 9 relate to the efficiency of the students' initial knowledge. Here efficiency is interpreted as the students' speed in solving the math problems. Ideally, there will be pre-tests and post-tests to evaluate the students' math abilities. Should the students be able to solve those post-test problems faster than the pre-test problems, then it may be interpreted that the educational Minecraft has helped to promote efficiency.?
Cózar-Gutiérrez, R., & Sáez-López, J. (2016).?Game-based learning and gamification in initial teacher training in the social sciences: an experiment with MinecraftEdu. International Journal Of Educational Technology In Higher Education, 13(1), 1.
Davidson-Shivers, G., Rasmussen, K., and Lowenthal, P. (2017). Web-Based Learning: Design, Implementation and Evaluation, 2nd Edition. Springer.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). ISTE Standards: Students. ISTE.https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-standards-for-students
Minecraft: Education Edition. (2021, September 8). Minecraft: Education Edition in Mathematics. [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=677VBb01TIk?