Mindvalley, A New Approach to Learning!
Janette Leon-Speyer
Consulting, Digital Marketing Strategist-Marketing Specialist-Graphic Artist
I spent the weekend at the Mindvalley Reunion in San Diego.
What is this?
Mindvalley is a company based in Malaysia that offers out of the box learning experiences. Visionary founder Vishen Lakhiani finds the best authors in personal growth, health, fitness, productivity to bring these lessons to approximately 3 million students worldwide.
They had me at worldwide!
I am a world citizen. When I am not traveling the world, I am thinking about traveling the world. So when Mindvalley offered this opportunity, I was eager to find out about all the buzz.
Full disclosure, my daughter works at the Mindvalley corporate headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I was very excited about joining the “tribe”. I wanted to see what I could learn in all facets of self-improvement, mindfulness, productivity and of course, success. I was blown away!
Hugging, loving and connecting!
Now, in my long career as a marketer, I have been to many conferences and heard it all. This is the first time I felt a sense of unity from the attendees. Mr. Vishen encourages hugging and connecting heart-to-heart rather than a regular pat on the back. It encourages sincerity and openness. I noticed that when I reached out my hand to people I was encouraged to get close and hug.
This is soooo not me!!!! Until I tried it. This shy not too social gal is now best friends with the world! Think what this does for future business connections. Yep, we all need those.
Everyone at Mindvalley is oh, so beautiful!
I saw lots of good looking people walking around. I know, we can’t all look like this. Wait… we can. Everyone I know has some form of beauty. These folks are taught to enhance their best traits. Yet another lesson learned. Bring out your best! Not only for you but for the people that like you and respect you. They deserve to see your prettiest features. Style, clothes, hair, smile, whatever it is.
Dreaming is good for you!
Drop everything and go to Estonia for a month! What????? The next awesome Mindvalley program is a learning adventure in Estonia. Get on a plane, take the kids and go to MindvalleyU this summer. The next adventure is in Tallinn, Estonia, a small quaint little city with oodles of tech startups
The wheels are turning…This is nuts, no way! Wait! Look at this place it looks amazing. I want to go there and learn. Why not?
Yes, why not? Whether it’s a dream or soon to be a reality, the thought that there are possibilities in your life makes you feel good. Right?
Now, look at the bigger picture. Hugs + connections + beauty + dreams… Did he say start-ups? Yes, maybe it’s good for my business. Get the gist of it?
Thinking way, I mean way outside the box!
I know, I said the same thing. “Easy for those people that have all they want”, “You think I am made of money?”, “Yeah, right like I can take a month off.”
All these crazy thoughts were crossing my mind as I navigated session after session. What is all this? Is it a nicely packaged program? If it is, who cares? The world is a small place and it could be yours, be it in Estonia or your backyard. The man said: “There are many startups in Tallinn.” How can this not be an opportunity for me at least? I am a marketer.
My take away here is that life is short and it is here to enjoy. Those that take the risks never look back and regret. I have traveled across the planet and always found a way to do it while hard at work.
My computer has seen many hotel rooms and coffee shops and traveled many time zones.
Icing on the cake
I watched many of the Mindvalley speakers. All have great takeaways. I have always been looking for a “mentor”, a person that I can connect with. The icing on the cake, in this case, was Lisa Nichols. In her packed seminar, she gave us VALUE! Something we could apply NOW in our daily business routine. I am sure I anyone can master these initial techniques. With a little practice. I have already started.
Donna Eden was my next choice. This was on a more personal level. I want to grow up and be like her. Her energy was contagious. A 70-year-old woman with the glowing face of a 20-year-old! Yes, true!!! She wowed a gleeful crowd with her mesmerizing energy medicine trick.
How could I not include Don Jose Ruiz in this line-up? The room was electrified when he discussed our dreams and integrating the old Toltec philosophy into our daily lives.
Now, I must go and try to figure out how to get to the next Mindvalley conference. Dreaming never hurts!
Opinions in this blog are my own, drawn from my experience!