Mindsets For Leadership

Mindsets For Leadership

Assume we first trained and coached leaders on attitudes before teaching them about strategy, culture, operations, and leadership frameworks. What impact do you believe this will have?

There are 9mindsets that are highly interrelated, interdependent for leadership and success in life.

  1. Systems Thinking: Considering problems holistically and comprehending the layers and interconnections of complicated systems.
  2. Strategic Thinking: Developing the ability to visualize point A, define a clear path to point B, and navigate the journey in between.
  3. Creative Thinking: Breaking free from old mental habits, accepting new viewpoints, and nurturing fresh approaches.
  4. Inclusive Thinking: Embracing consultative decision-making, using group wisdom, and cultivating an inclusive culture.
  5. Human-Centered Thinking ??: Empathetically comprehending human needs within their unique contexts and environments.
  6. Agile Thinking: ?Adapting swiftly to evolving situations, continuously seeking solutions, and thriving amidst change?Continuous Improvement Mindset.
  7. Growth Mindset: Embracing the power of learning and growth, and letting go of the constraints of a fixed attitude.
  8. Learner Mindset: Replacing judgment with thought, sharing insights, and cultivating a culture of continual learning are all ways to improve.
  9. Paradox Mindset ??: Comfortably holding contradictory ideas, finding common ground, and generating innovative solutions.



