Mindset For Taking Control of Your Health
Hey there Health Strategist! Today I want to answer the question, "What is a Health Strategist?" I say it in the beginning of every video at the beginning of every email, I say it all the time, and it occurred to me that some people might really not understand what that is. So let's get into it.
A health strategist is a long-term thinker about health. They realize that health is an ongoing process, that you should have health goals, and a plan to go after those goals.
So instead of just letting life happen to you, Health Strategists make things happen. I'm sure you know plenty of people who say things like "Oh yeah, I go to the gym when I can," or, "I did the keto diet once and that was cool. That was three years ago." "Oh, I want to beach body, so I'm going to lose 10 pounds by the summer."
Those people are short term thinkers. They are not health strategists.
So really, if you want to live a long, healthy life, you have to have a strategic mindset about your health because it's something that's with you forever. I mean your health is there no matter what. When I say that, I mean it could be good or bad. Your health status is somewhere on the spectrum of good or bad.
You're not going to accidentally stumble in to good health. Not going to happen, especially in a society where so many corporations have a vested interest in making you unhealthy. Candy companies, junk food companies, McDonald's, etc. These people are trying to get your attention and they're trying to get your money. So if you don't have a strategy, if you don't have a strong mentality about your health and goals and a vision of where you want to end up, you're just going to let other people make decisions for you about your health. That's going to not end up in a good place.
So to be a Health Strategist is to be someone who thinks clearly and long-term about their health goals! If that sounds like a lot to you, maybe it is, maybe it's not. It's really not as hard as it sounds. It's mostly a mindset shift.
Of course there are a lot of steps along the way, because you have to understand the science and make sure you're doing things right so that you don't harm your health.
That's where I come in. I'm Mike Vera from Vera Health Strategies, and if you head over to www.verahealthstrategies.com, you will find my blogs, my articles, my testimonials, my videos, and everything else over there so that you can start taking the steps to being a health strategist today.