Mindset Matters - More Than Ever!
Annie Gibbins ??
CEO ?? Director ?? LeadwithAnnie ?? Empowering Leaders and Teams to Unlock Potential, Drive Change & Achieve Success ?? Grand Stevie Awardee ?? MC ?? Keynote Speaker ??TV Host ?? Publisher ?? #1 Best Selling Author
With every new year countdown, comes a string of resolutions and personal promises for a better year. Let’s get real, we all want happiness and success all year long. As the clock chimes at midnight on New Year’s Eve, none of us hope for an ‘unsuccessful’ year ahead. We want money in the bank, a solid home, a handful of friends we can call our own, and a family that is healthy and happy.
But, have you ever wondered why you repeat patterns of behavior over and over again, even when you have made a decision or New Year’s resolution to start, stop or change something? With every new year, comes an old pressure to do life differently. Some could say that a resolution is a deliberate set-up for failure. Others will claim it’s the best reboot of the year. Our mind is a very powerful tool. I know, stating the obvious right?
They say, we have approximately 90’000 thoughts per day. Each thought is an affirmation. If we consciously, or subconsciously play a thought on repeat, we are affirming either negativity, or hopefully, positive replays.
Let’s face it – last year was a challenge. Our personal and professional lives were put to the test, as we fumbled through a global pandemic. With every news bulletin, came a sense of massive uncertainty.
So, it's no surprise that we were running to the 2022 finishing line, with champaign in one hand, and resolutions in the other.
The most common must-dos on the top of our lists often consist of joining a gym, landing a new love interest, and making a ton of money. These are brilliant goals. But they can quickly become toxic aspirations because they don’t address one crucial requirement: mindset accountability.
Aspiration leads to procrastination, a new project slips to the backburner, the gym membership is nothing more than a monthly debit, and before we know it, we are guilt ridden on the back of a ‘failed’ pattern to live better.
Here are some of the simple, yet powerful ways in which you can take control of your mindset.
Use affirmations:?We all have a quote, mantra or affirmation that we quietly whisper to ourselves on a bad day. Find the words that speak to you, and repeat them every morning, or better still, throughout your day.
Gratitude rituals:?It's easy to get bogged down with the daily grind. Sometimes, we forget to see the good that is happening around us. Remind yourself to focus on the good things, no matter how small they are. Gratitude is a gift, not a given.
Do something nice for someone:?When we do good, we feel good. It’s a selfless act of kindness. Inadvertently, healing others can heal ourselves. Every day, pick one thing you are grateful for. Before you know it, you will love the little things that life has to offer.
Focus on the present moment:?We are busy people. It's so easy to get swept away with what will happen in six months time. Don’t get me wrong, goals are incredibly important. But, we cannot live in the past, or the future. Be present and mindful in your now.
Surround yourself with positive people:?Like attracts like, and energy rubs off on us. Discover your cheerleading squad and surround yourself with people who inspire and support you.
I personally have struggled with a range of limiting belief systems in the past. We are, after all, human. But my intentions were out of whack. They were not serving me, and I am guessing, they are not serving you either. As a Global Empowerment Coach, there is no greater reward than seeing my clients have a massive mindset shift, and the ‘light bulb moment’, as they realize: I CAN DO ANYTHING.
The first step to a positive growth mindset is that you need to truly believe to receive. It sounds obvious but, do you really believe you can succeed??Whether you are starting a new project, business or life journey, mindset powerfully determines your behaviors, actions and results.
When you invest in understanding your subconscious mind and how it influences the stories you believe, transformational change happens.
This is where we get to the root cause of limiting beliefs and take the journey together to make permanent positivity be a new way of life.
Dream it - Believe it - Do it - Achieve it!
As always, I am here to guide you on this beautiful journey of entrepreneurship: https://bit.ly/bookacallwithannie
Attorney At Law at CIVIL COURT CASES
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