Mindset Matters: How to Eliminate Difficult or Troubling Situations

Mindset Matters: How to Eliminate Difficult or Troubling Situations

We know we must keep our commitments to other people, but what about the commitments we make to ourselves?

So often, we know what we're supposed to do but just can't get ourselves to do it. You may think, "I know I'm supposed to show up on time, track time contemporaneously, bill on time, not push that meeting, work on my business, fire that awful employee, collect bigger retainers, stop work when a client doesn't pay, ask for referrals, work out, eat veggies, stop staff interruptions, call those clients back, do those videos, work on my taxes, organize my paperwork, follow up with potential clients...but I just can't get myself to do it."

When you make a promise to yourself but don't keep that commitment or you don't do what you know it takes to get from where you are to where you want to be, your self esteem suffers. You don't trust yourself to keep other commitments. You talk dirty on yourself in your own mind and avoid awesome opportunities because you don't trust yourself to follow through.

It’s time to eliminate something that is pulling you down, stressing you out, or holding you back, making space for all the good things and people who add joy to your life.?

Here's an analysis I use with my clients to help them identify the belief (aka mindset) behind their actions - or inactions. Once these issues are identified, roadblocks often fall away. You may have to identify several layers but that's okay. ???????????????????????

1. What is a difficult or troubling situation in your life?


2. How are you creating it or allowing it to happen?

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3. What are you pretending not to know?


4. What is the payoff for keeping it like it is?

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5. What is the cost for not changing it?


6. What would you rather be experiencing?

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7. What actions will you take and what requests will you make to get it?

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8. By when will you take that action?


9. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being highest probability), will you follow through on this action?

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The more honest you can be with yourself, the better.

If you'd like help overcoming mindset barriers, register and schedule here .


