A Mindset of Gratitude
Eva Gregory, Intuitive Business Catalyst
★ Helping Spiritual Entrepreneurs & Coaches ★ Attract Premium Clients ★ Integrate Inner Guidance ★ For Business Success ★ EvaGregory.com
In business, when success is finally found, it feels very, very good.
Finally, you've arrived after all of your hard work and dedication.
It can often feel as if this success is owed to you. After all, weren’t you the one who put in all the hours to attain it?
It’s absolutely normal, healthy, and expected to feel a sense of pride when you reach a certain level in your business.
You have a lot to be proud of, after all!
But it can become a problem when you take it for granted instead of feeling grateful for your success.
Spiritual entrepreneurs find that their businesses fail to deliver without gratitude in their lives - in many different ways.
Being self-absorbed to the point of believing success is “owed” to you is a slow poison to your business mindset and, in turn, your business itself.
One of the best ways to create an attitude of gratitude is to share what has helped create your success with others - maybe those who haven’t yet reached your level of success.
Your knowledge, wisdom, experience, and advice are worth sharing to help others achieve their own goals and dreams.
That way, you help “pay it forward,” in essence taking action on your feelings of gratitude and thankfulness for getting where you are today.
Another way to express gratitude is to reach out to your mentors and thank them for sharing their knowledge and experience with you.
Your mentors have helped you get to your level of success, and letting them know that they are appreciated, goes a long way toward creating that mindset of gratitude that will support your success.
Your business's success may not rise or fall depending on your level of gratitude, but having a mindset that is full of gratitude will definitely help your business and help your overall life!?
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I know what it feels like to be stuck in a business that isn’t working because I’ve been there.
After struggling for over five years in the software company my other half, Robin, and I had, doing what the “gurus” said to do in order to succeed – to no avail – I discovered the transformative power of Energy Alignment and Law of Attraction.
It was only after we started integrating these practices into our software business that we were able to turn things around and go from over $100K in debt and near bankruptcy to a 7-figure bottom line in just nine months.
That was when I knew I had to “get out of high tech” and “into high people” to share what I know with heart-centered entrepreneurs.
Today, my passion is helping coaches, thought leaders, and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide scale their businesses online to six figures and beyond.
My unique approach combines the practical, proven step-by-step strategies that are working in today’s ever-changing market with intuitive spiritual awareness.
I’m the author of two powerful books, “The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity” and “Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction” (which I co-authored with Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul? fame and Jeanna Gabellini).
But what really sets me apart in my field is how I bring together both the practical and the spiritual, helping my clients create success that aligns with their true purpose.
If you’re ready to take your heart-centered business to the next level, I’d love to help!
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