Mindset Check with Ede and Mike Aguilera
This is Ede with Coast 2 Coast Creative. I have with us an international NLP trainer
Mike: I do training and coaching internationally based on NLP Neuro linguistic programming, which is about understanding human behavior and psychological triggers and really understand what motivates inspires people to help them create change in their life. It's not just about motivation, it's about taking action.
Ede: What are your thoughts on that and how are you seeing people kind of merge motivation and action to come together to create the life that they want?
Mike: Yeah, actually, I've been fascinated with that. Also, over the many years that I've coached people, I've been kind of getting an insight of what they've been doing, create shortcuts or create that motivation, that drive, that inspiration, that essence to take action to the point where it's who they are. It doesn't require discipline. Where I need to do this, it's more of, hey, let's do this. Let's call this connect. Let's take care of that. And just like you don't need discipline to brush your teeth, you just say, I'm going to brush my teeth. I don't think, should I or shouldn't I? Well, I don't know about today, but it's just something you naturally do. So, one of the elements that I realized in regard to motivation and taking action is a part of your subconscious mind called the reticular activating system, the Rays and part of your subconscious mind that's always searching for what's important to you, creating filters and awareness. For example, if you're going to buy a new car, you suddenly start to see that car everywhere, more of them on the road and commercials and ads. And it's not as if they start to make more ads or more commercials or build more cars. It's your reticular activating system now creating a filter to be aware of that. And it's good filters and bad filters. If you're thinking emotionally charged about negative things, you'll start to see more negative things around you that will justify that. exercises to really engage the reticular activating system so that you start to notice, focus, and notice and create filters for what you want as results. where it doesn't require discipline. It's more of your mind and body are saying, hey, let's do some more of that. So, I'll be glad to share some techniques and help some of the viewers as well.
Ede: Definitely. So, listening to Cardone and his audible be obsessed. Right. And it sort of reminds me of what you're saying right now about the reticular activating system. Is that something that you can kind of elaborate on?
Mike: Sure. Yeah. For example, when I've coached top performers, I've again picked up what they were doing. And, I just added some as I coached them, I also added some other elements of NLP and neuroscience to help them get to the next level. Because even top performers are doing quite well in the industry, they want to get to the next level. And in real estate, for example, I've coached them that are selling 30 homes a year, which is exceptional. That's when they're top performer, top producer, however, they want to get into, say, the luxury market. But they have this mental block of how I do that. The thinking process is "I'm used to selling million-dollar homes and not five or ten or $20 million homes." So, they also have the mental blocks. But what they do in the meantime is they're doing subtle things that will help propel them at least to get to where they're at. And they just need some other elements of how to engage in mind and body so that they do the things to get to that next level. And one of the things that they do that I realize and that I've enhanced on is they give themselves reward or acknowledgement throughout the day. Most people will give themselves a big reward. Okay. At the end of the month, after I make my quote or my sales, I'm going to buy myself a gift or go out for dinner or do a celebration or at the end of the quarter. And what top performers do is throughout the day, they give themselves reward by just acknowledging themselves. Oh, that was great. I did that. I'm glad I did that. That was a great call. So, they kind of Pat themselves on the back, which engages in a reticular activating system to say, oh, okay, that was a good thing. So, let's do some more of that. Or let's forget some more ways to make that fun. Or let's make some more calls or let's contact more people. So, one thing that people can do naturally and easily is instead of thinking you can still give yourself a big reward at the end of the day, however, or the end of the week or month, however, throughout the day, give yourself small rewards. Just label it a reward, for example, or work on my market, a reward as a cup of coffee or a cup of tea. Or I'm going to go for a walk or I'm going to just relax for 1 minute, or I'm going to call somebody, my kids, my spouse, whoever, as a reward. And so, your mind says, okay, doing this activity gives you fun. Let's give yourself a reward. Let's figure out more ways of doing this activity and these actions. And so that's where it magnetically draws you to doing some mor e of that. That’s one of the techniques. Does that make sense?
Ede: Yeah, that does make sense. What I'm thinking about is the act of or actually starting to create those actions, or how do you even start to create those actions where you would put together a reward program?
Mike: Right. There's a mindset also. B, the person does their activities. It's not the fake until you make it. It's doing the activities as if they are a top performer. And from that being a person, you will then do the activity, making those calls or working the marketing or whatever it is, and they'll have the things that you want to do. So, in essence, be that person. Think about, okay, yeah, be that person. Now just imagine being a top producer, top performer, top of your game. And some of that is also just rehearsing in your mind. Okay. But you must rehearse in a different way. You think yourself in the future as, why do I want to be the top performer? What will it do for me? And I can imagine a month from now just feeling good about myself and celebrating because I have the income coming and I have the extra $100,000 in the bank to do whatever want with because I've done the activity. So that starts to propel you to act. And that's the main thing is the procrastination of should I do it or I don't want to do it? Or I'm going to make some phone calls, I'm going to be embarrassing or I might get rejection. But once you start to take that role of be that person, then other people will accept that and say, okay, so you must be the expert in the industry, the authority, and it just starts to propel you to do more of that. So just start to be that person. And it's also part of that mental block is what's called the imposter syndrome. I don't know if you've heard of that before. It's where someone just feels like I'm not the top performer. So, they're going to find out that I'm just average or I'm not doing the great numbers that other top performers are doing. I'm not really the expert, but people don't know that. It’s just that person. Just give them that. And the other thing is you don't have to be rich to connect with rich people, you just must give them a rich experience and they all will appreciate that and sense that so be that person and just imagine being that person and imagine in the future which will magnetically draw you to that person to be that person, just take the action and the actions. Yeah, the best ones if someone's procrastinating or has for 1 hour phone calls 15 minutes or ten minutes just to get yourself in that motion and give yourself reward, then maybe another 1520 minutes. And before you know what, you're taking the actions and moving forward and doing things you want to do, and it starts to feel natural and it's just part of who you are.
Ede: I had another question for you and thank you for that feedback. So as things are changing and things around the world with Covid and now the pandemic is pretty much over, people are starting to become more social or they're starting to come out of their homes. And what kind of challenges are you seeing with that? Do you have anything that you see with your clients that you want to share?
Mike: Yes, actually, a few months ago recently, I was interviewed by NBC just about this topic. How do we re-engage? We're getting out of our bunker, out of our cocoon, and just getting back into social activity, and you're starting to see more and more people walking around without a mask. And so, it's starting to become more of a natural activity. However, the main thing you want to consider is for the past two years, everyone has been on a level of threat, which is like the post pandemic threat syndrome, like a military person that has been threatened for years. And then you have this extra sensitivity about noise and sounds and people around them. So, you want to consider that also when you ‘reconnecting with people is people are still very Yes, actually, a few months ago recently, I was interviewed by NBC just about this topic. How do we re engage? We're getting out of our bunker, out of our cocoon, and just getting back into social activity, and you're starting to see more and more people walking around without a mask. And so, it's starting to become more of a natural activity. However, the main thing you want to consider is for the past two years, everyone has been on a level of threat, which is like the post pandemic threat syndrome, like a military person that has been threatened for years. And then you have this extra sensitivity about noise and sounds and people around them. So, you want to consider that also when you ‘reconnecting with people is people are still very sensitive. Sensitive. So, don't just approach them and say, hey, how are you doing? Give me a hug. If you must be sensitive and watch them. If you approach someone and they start to lean back, they're saying, okay, I'm not safe. I don't feel safe around you. So, for everyone, as you approach someone, just you're a hugger, ask for permission to hug them. Hey, good to see you. Haven't seen for walking. And if they got their hand to give you a fist pump and you say, okay, they're not ready to give them a fist pump. Or if you're not ready, some people are still sensitive to that. You then initiate it. You see somewhat approaching. You stick out your elbow or fist pump so that you know, okay, I don't want to connect with people just yet, but a big element of that is your mindset. You want them to feel safe. So, you project that. I want you to feel safe around me. I want you to trust me, I'll be safe around you. However, if you're thinking, I think feel safe, I want them to feel safe. I think they're not feeling safe. You'll start to project doubt and concern in your body language, your voice. And so, you just want to have that mindset that will be projecting that warmth and confidence of wanting other people around you to feel safe and okay and okay in your presence. And then they will sense that you will interact with them differently. So first embody it and then project it.
Ede: Okay. Love it. Do you have anything that you want to share? Going back to your program about what was it called again?
Mike: Connect with anyone in 90 seconds or less, or the magnetic destiny?
Ede: The magnetic one.
Mike: The program is actually based around the vertical accident system
Ede: With the fear of everyone coming out.
Mike: Yes. To me, your mindset is actually the fuel that will help you see things around you that will create more either opportunities or you'll notice opportunities. And if you're living in a world of concern and fear, you're going to notice more concern and fear around you. also, the more you condition your particular activation, the more ideas you're going to come up with. You're going to be more creative; you're going to be more engaging. You're going to want to do the things that you need to do. And it won't be to the point to where you must force yourself. It's just conditioned your mind to start to focus on things and see example I shared with your aware abundance or success. And you just write it on the coffee cup or on the water bottle or on it. And then you look at that, every time you look at that, you're thinking of abundance, success. And so, your mind is starting to look do you have a question, or you have your hand up? You can put on your wine glass or whatever you want, and you can change it every hour or one message in the morning, a second message in the afternoon of abundance in the morning, or driver focus. And so, every time you see that message of things are great around me or I love this or whatever it is, it could be a word or message. So, every time you pick up that beverage, you see that you start to reticulate activating system starts to say, okay, yeah, abundance or pleasure or fun. And so, it helps you with that focus and drive. And so, there's little things you can do that from going to maybe struggling or having challenges to, hey, there's abundance, there's opportunities, there's take action. Let's do this. There's a little mind game for mine. Hacks that throughout my program than just a beverage. And this is a concert that I picked up years ago from a scientist, Doctor Emoto. He wrote a book titled The Hidden Messages in Water, where he got water from water source and put them in two different containers. And he wrote a negative message on one and a positive message on the other, like hate or love. And the ones with a negative message or statement, the water as he froze it and took magnifying pictures of it. And the one with the negative message, the water was all distorted in black or Brown. And the ones with a positive message, it looked like beautiful snowflakes, just brilliant colors. So, to me, I thought, okay, well, we're 80%. 7% water. So, our thoughts are impacting our energy or our feelings, but also our thoughts are impacting what we project and what we see. And the old body is the law of attraction. Whatever you think about, you attract. To me, it's also primarily the law of awareness. What you think about, you start to become aware of the critical activity system. start to become aware of people you can help and people that are around you or resources or things you can do. And so, it seems like you're attracting more opportunity, but it's just you're becoming aware of that. And that's kind of like magnetic draw. You start to see things and you sort of feel like they're magnetically being drawn towards your desires and their outcomes. Does that make sense? Does that help?
Ede: That definitely helps. I've been fascinated about this topic this year actually click and you're like, wait a minute, this whole time? But no. So that's kind of why I'm doing this video. And that's kind of why I brought you on here to talk more about it because you're the expert in the field. But how can we get a hold of you? How can anyone take any of your programs?
Mike: Sure. Yeah. The foundation of NLP and connecting with people. Thank you. My website is mikeaguilera.com. information about the training that I do, the products like the magnetic formula and my home study course and connect with anyone in my book, connect with anyone in seconds or less words of that's this mikeaguilera.com, welcome. Come on over. Join visit me at my website and I'm there to help.
Ede: Awesome. Thank you so much, Mike.
Mike: My pleasure.
Ede: All right. Thanks for joining us. My name is
Ede. I'm the Creative Director at Coast 2 Coast Creative like share subscribe ring the bell. So, you get notified of my daily videos. And I will see you next time. Thanks, Mike.
Mike: Thank you. Bye.