Mindset before tools

Mindset before tools

As far as I've seen, many companies today makes a widespread use of the term “DevOps”. Pity that it is very often used linked to development tools and totally forgetting that it is first of all a mindset!!! Many times I’ve heard sentences like, “we need a DevOps”, “talk with our DevOps” etc. I wanted to answer: “ok but take in mind that DevOps doesn’t mean to have someone that creates for you an account on BitBucket or a C/I pipeline on Jenkins”.

DevOps it’s a metodology that was born trying to overcome conflicts between Developers and Operations, so between who is focused on software evolution and who is focused on systems and services stability and so it's reluctant on accepting new builds.

These conflicts lead to inefficiency of the whole production process, having an impact on costs.

However another great conflict, not so much mentioned in literature, it’s the one between who design applications and who take in charge their development. My experience has teached that the engagment of development team happens too late leading it to accept solutions proposed because there is no time to go back and design better or when it's possible to go back this leads to increase costs because the “time to market” increases considerably.

So my opinion is that "DevOps" should become "SolDevOps" (Solution Design-Development-Operations), going to embrace also this step of the productive chain. Because if it’s true that there is no mantainance without application, it’s also true that there is no application without a design phase.

We should learn to think out of the box, trying to find the best and harmonious marriage between these three phases for applications sake.


