

I have studied personal development for many years. Everything from goal setting, body language, personal profiling, EQ, mindfulness, self-care, intentional living, laws for personal growth and more…much more.

I also have, and still am, a student of the martial art of Ki Aikido, which embodies the unification of mind and body and the power gained by all who practice it diligently. 

I am not talking about physical but mental strength and the heath benefit and confidence you gain by learning to co-ordinate your mind and body through movement.

When I discovered John Kehoe’s work about mindpower, I was simply blown away; So much powerful information, such simple principles, yet such an impact upon its realization. 

Join me on a journey of discovery, a journey to a better future, a journey of the mind!

As humans, with all the technology available, we don’t yet know how powerful our minds really are!!!!

….Yet, most of us are already convinced we can not do certain things; That we have many limitations.

Should we not live as if everything is possible and let the universe prove us wrong, and provide us with the experience to come back stronger and better?

Mindpower can be your best friend, or your worst enemy.

The good news is: You are in control…..The bad news is: You are in control.

Become more aware of your own mind power, let go of all your excuses, then make better more informed choices!

This CAN be a turning point in your life; I said CAN because I don’t know whether you will practice what you are learning, or if you just listen to it, think it sounds amazing, then carry on with your life as if nothing has changed…Choices!

I already know that, as you learn to use the power of the mind, every aspect of your life will be enhanced. You will be able to influence your situation…yes, even YOU…and achieve the goals you desire.

You are more powerful than you were taught in school or anybody has ever made you aware of. It is your old limiting belief system about yourself that has held you back…even throw in a couple of negative friends and family, the news, and the ever less interesting job situation and your self-doubt is complete.

There are many stories of extra-ordinary ‘unexplainable’ feats of strength or endurance in dire situations. One such example is from a lady watching her husband working on the family car. He has the vehicle jacked up and is lying underneath with just his legs sticking out. All of a sudden, the jack collapses and the husband is trapped under the weight of the car.

The lady grabs hold of the car….with one hand…lifts it enough so she can pull her husband out with the other hand. A miracle? Always possible. 

Another explanation is that, at that precise moment, she had only one aim, one focus…to free her husband. There was no time to think about the weight of the car or her personal belief in her lack of strength, just that she HAD to lift that car to save her husband….and she did. 

This shows the power of the mind and the magic of when your mind and body work together in perfect harmony; That Unification of mind and body I mentioned from my martial arts.

If she went back the next day to attempt such a feat again, would she manage it? Probably not…even though she had done so less than 24 hours earlier.

Why not? Because she would now have had time to think about the weight of the car and her belief that she could not possibly lift such a weight, would not be able to do so again…. 

Mind power, it can help you or hinder you in all areas of your life.

The human mind, as intricate as it is, came without an instruction manual.

I will just touch on a few areas of mindpower….there is an amazing set of books by John kehoe, who I already mentioned, about this amazing subject; Two of them: Mindpower, and Mindpower for children, are a tremendous investment. 

I have also attended many seminars and trainings by an amazing fellow speaker, Robin Banks (Yes, his real name ?) from South Africa, who has been a personal student of John Kehoe for many years and has the licence to teach his work globally. He provides highly energetic and insightful talks on this amazing subject.

Here I will briefly mention just 3 of the 7 basic principles and laws of mindpower to study and implement in your life:

  • Thoughts are Real Forces

Everything in this universe is energy. The different densities mean that this energy vibrates at different levels.

Everything, every invention, begins with a thought.

Recognise that every thought you think is a real force of energy; Strong thoughts are strong and focussed real forces. Weak thoughts are scattered real forces.

Those weak ones happen when you’re all over the place and try to do too many things at once. Focus on one thing at a time.

  • The mind is a sending and receiving station of thought

Just like a mobile phone…You ring a person half way around the world and withing seconds, they pick up and can have a clear conversation with you….a signal (vibration) sent from one phone to another; The mind is no different! It is also a sending and receiving station…of thought.

We affect our outside environment by our thoughts, and the outside environment affects us by the thoughts of those around us. The exchange of energy between those two does not stop.

  • Thoughts that are emotionalised become magnetised and attract similar and like thoughts.

Rhondda Byrne’s book and film – The Secret explains that and is full of insights and information about this area….You attract what you think about.

Thoughts become feelings and intensify with emotion; Emotion = Energy in Motion.

Any thought with emotion becomes a different type of thought. It attracts similar thoughts the same way a magnet attracts iron filings.

For example, a small incident can suddenly trigger thoughts of everything that can possibly go wrong in your life…Negativity has many friends.

That’s a great reason why you should do affirmations, why you should observe yourself closer and why you should get all those negative thoughts out of your system like a gardener who takes the weeds away from the beautiful plants.

Counteract negatives with EXACT opposites as Negatives only ever have power if you react to them.Recognise them and deal with them as they happen 

Some questions for you to think about:

·      Do you attract what you deserve?

·      Do you attract what you think you deserve?

·      Do you attract what you believe you deserve?

What DO you actually deserve?

If you already know, what are you doing about that right now? …Time to take action, massive action.

We are forever experiencing thoughts, but we have the ability to either entertain these thoughts or dismiss them.

Any negative thoughts that persists in our minds are there because we are allowing them to be there….That might be a bit of a shock to some….We actually allow those to be there?

We have the power and ability to insert any thought of any type into our minds. This means we can create any thought and insert it into our minds.

You need to learn to create regularly, and don’t be limited by reality.

Thoughts about Health, Success, and Happiness should be inserted into your mind every single day.

You can think whatever thought you want to think! I know that might sound simple but, are you really in full control of what you think?

There is so much more to the power of the mind but I just wanted to give you some insight into this fascinating subject and for you to realise that you can also take better care of yourself just by what and how you think..

I just want to finish with this stunning poem as a powerful reminder:

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure

It is our light, NOT our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you NOT to be?

You are a child of God, Your playing small does not serve the world

There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us

It is not just in some of us; It is in everyone

As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Let your light shine!

I have included the link from my self-care talk about this article: https://youtu.be/IaIpS88L7KM

Jan Robberts


