Mindfulness as a Way of Seeing the World

Mindfulness as a Way of Seeing the World

You’ve probably seen plenty of adverts for mindfulness training because there’s a growing interest in the subject and, in a highly-stressed world of burnout and work-related tension, the benefits are getting lots of attention. But what is mindfulness and why does it work?

The techniques that are most widely applied in the western world are the result of studies in the US that took place during the 1970s and were based on an analysis of Zen Buddhist meditation traditions.

The principles were simplified and aimed at developing an ability to calm the mind by focusing on breathing, noticing the flow of thoughts and feelings, cultivating a sense of detachment and adopting the role of observer in the stream of consciousness rather than being carried along by the random thoughts and feelings that occupy our minds. Each of these ideas would be familiar to any student of meditation because the principles are based on well-established traditions that have been practised, studied and developed for thousands of years. The simple shift in focus leads to a change in brain function and a reduction in stress, tension and anxiety.

The shortest step to mindfulness is simply to stop what you’re doing, take a deep breath, relax your jaw and shoulder muscles and just become aware of your environment. Expand your awareness, open your senses, notice all the little details in your surroundings, the light, the sounds, the textures and odours. It’s a fabulous way to move your attention away from the narrow range of issues you’re working on and create a calmer, more balanced and creative mindset. The results are immediate and extremely beneficial to your health and happiness. As you integrate the techniques into your daily routine, they become a natural extension of how you think and feel and behave and provide a powerful off-switch to your stress response. Make mindfulness your new daily habit and notice how much better you feel.

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