On Mindfulness...
Article Written By Preethi Fernando | preethifernando.com |

On Mindfulness...

What makes us most fulfilled and what ultimately brings us peace of mind is being in the present moment and embracing both the pleasant and unpleasant aspects of our lives. Mindfulness gives us the opportunity to embrace that restriction with acceptance, rather than with aggression. It helps us to re-connect with ourselves. It's about finding that special place within ourselves, where we feel very connected to our inner being, yet very disconnected with the minutiae of daily living. It's a difficult place to find...This shift of mindset can have a tremendous impact on us, especially if we feel restricted. Mindfulness and how we approach it can also impact our physical health.

Mindfulness is about the complete acceptance of the present moment as it is, not as it could be or as we would like it to be. Many people journey through life, looking back, wishing they could change their past. Regret can be a killer.

Mindfulness encourages us to embrace what is here to be felt in this moment, without trying to resist or control it. Mindfulness is not about being perpetually happy and positive all the time. Sometimes, appearing to be happy and positive and portraying a perfect existence can become a painful experience of denial. Mindfulness is about acceptance of the moment that we are in and what we are feeling. Rather than turning away from our circumstances and being in denial, it is about waking up and becoming more conscious to where we are at, at this particular point in our lives.

Highly mindful people consistently monitor and observe what is going on in their minds. They pay attention to the thoughts that are arising in their minds. Rather than allowing those thoughts to take deep root, they caress them lightly and release them gently. The heavier emphasis is on detachment.

Need more inspiration? Download my latest release on Amazon Kindle titled "Self Isolation | Quarantine | Shutdown | How to Practice Healthy Emotional Intelligence When Life As You Knew It, Temporarily Ends for 14 + Days | preethifernando.com | March 2020 |



