Mindfulness as a Pathway to Inner Peace
Are you able to switch off your mind and attain a state of deep, peaceful silence? Despite the encouragement of many ancient traditions, it’s frustratingly difficult if not impossible to get our minds to be still. Have you noticed that? We know how important it is to find a moment of peace and switch off the constant stream of mental and emotional energy - and that’s when our minds prove to be very challenging. That’s when our thoughts and feelings seem to have a mind of their own!
One of the great advantages of regular meditation and mindfulness practice is that it helps us to discover the natural state of calm that emerges when we detach ourselves from our mental and emotional habits.
The principle of detachment encourages us to experience freedom from the flow of our personal stream of consciousness. Mindfulness allows us to observe the mental and emotional energy from a distance. We are no longer subject to our thoughts and feelings. As we allow the distance to assert its benign influence, we become aware that we are not simply the product of our thoughts and feelings. We open up an opportunity to appreciate the world from a different perspective. That’s a huge step forward.
It might not surprise you to learn that the latest research clearly confirms that modern technology is expressly designed to engage our attention to the point that the contact becomes addictive. If you haven’t noticed people’s strange attachment to their smart phones, you must’ve been living on a different planet. Mindfulness allows us the freedom to pause and take a break from the constant distraction of our smart devices. We can learn to understand the way that social media seek to entrap us, holding us in an addictive grip where we lose ourselves in the constant stream of trivial distractions. Mindfulness expands our awareness and creates the space that frees us from the subtle electronic trap. You might smile, breathe, turn off your device and use your energy to create a deeper sense of inner peace, calm and balance. Mindfulness is a perfectly natural way for you to regain your composure and decide how you want to think and feel. Give yourself the gift of a few precious moments of complete detachment today and see how much better you feel.