Mindfulness Monday on Tuesday
Thoughts from yesterday
Discover your passion ......
I have heard this a lot in the one hundred self-help videos and books I have consumed. I find the topic very interesting. I love to consume business post, books, YouTube, and I have read 100s of self-help books.
It seems every time I look for a new strategy I can implement it for a short period, long period or every day, but I end up face to face with my reality. I reflect daily on my progress, and I realized that despite all the momentum and forward-thinking ideas, great routines that I end up face to face with hard evidence. The hard evidence that I have not lived up to my potential and the hard evidence that I have not hit on all of my promises.
Am I hungry for growth? Absolutely! Am I determined to continue to push passed what I think is possible? Absolutely! Despite ultimate belief in myself and my continual persistence to get up and work hard, I know deep down there is so much more for me to do while I am given time on this earth. I think about my dreams daily!
Why am I writing this?
Truthfully it is because I want to admit to the world that I have not hit on all my targets yet. I never want there to be a finish line. I accept we will all die, and my time is not guaranteed, but I never want to strive for less than what I am capable of. How do I outperform yesterday and how do I take consistent action to put me that much closer to my vision is the energy and thoughts I live with every single day of my life.
If you struggle with just consuming and a fire burning, but do not feel you have hit your goals or reached your potential, I am writing this to be vulnerable and for you to know there is time today and tomorrow if granted to take action towards the vision you have for your life.
Closing thoughts:
How is it possible to have all the drive and urgency but get stuck in consumer mode. Consuming has become as equal as comfortable. They say comfort is the enemy, but I would argue it is consumption. I can have the best routine but consume all the information about how to be great and how to be healthy but what does the hard evidence show? Despite the amazing routines, outcomes are still outcomes!
I share all of this to be real, this is not a pity party, just a claim that I will not allow myself to fall into the consumer trap that social media can cause for people desperate for answers and with fire in their belly.
P.S. I hope this resonates with you !
Never settle, never finished!