

When I first learned about mindfulness, I thought it was meditation. That was just a small part of what living a mindful life is about. Mindfulness is a way of life; a realistic, peaceful way of life. It’s something I have striven for, but couldn’t quite obtain, especially being a “Type A Personality” living in the suburbs of NYC. I thought, How would I ever live a mindful life? It seemed so impossible being a mom, a wife, and working part-time teaching college while running my own business full time. I kept asking myself the question over and over again: Is it possible to live a mindful lifestyle? And even though I wasn’t sure at the time, how I would do this? I somehow knew it was a possibility. So, I went on the journey of finding different ways to add mindfulness into my life and create the life I always wanted, full of peace and happiness.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is being in the present moment, observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It's being awake and aware of new possibilities, clues or signs of which direction to follow. Mindfulness is being in the moment to clearly see those signs and clues, and to hear your intuition.

It's awareness of the present moment and how you are feeling, without judgment. When you’re in a state of awareness, you have the ability to respond with clarity. You can notice if the decisions and choices you are making are coming from a place of love, or fear.

Mindfulness means looking at situations with kindness and compassion, including your own situations. This seems to be the hardest challenge for most.

Benefits of mindfulness

1.     The more mindful we are, the more we live in the present moment. We are our happiest when we are in the moment. We worry less about the future, which eases stress.

2.     We become aware of our mind-body connection, which allows us to feel where we hold negative emotions in our body. This allows us to use the connection as a warning sign/red flag that something is wrong, which allows us to make changes.

3.     We slow down and enjoy life. We start to enjoy the simple things such as a conversation, nature, our friendships, the sunset, etc.

4.     We become aware of the beauty that surrounds us and we connect to nature.

5.     We become aware that everything is love. We need to give love and receive love in order to be happy.

6.     We increase our self-awareness, which can help us become aware of our limiting beliefs and change our negative thinking and behaviors.

7.     When we live a mindful life, we realize everything is temporary. So, even when times are tough, we know that shall pass. We can see the big picture and know that everything will be OK. Mindfulness is that reminder when things get tough in life that it will all be OK. We all could use that reminder now and then.


Wednesday, May 15, 7pm - Mindfully Happy - Waking Up to Life

Emerson Community School, NJ

Phone: 201-262-5502

Wednesday, May 22, 10:30am - Positive Aging

The Jointure, NJ

Phone: 908-722-1563

About Diane Lang...

Therapist, Educator and Life Coach

As a Therapist, Educator and Positive Living Expert, Diane has dedicated her career to helping people turn their lives around and is now on a mission to help them develop a sustainable positive attitude that can actually turn one into an optimist, literally.


Through her three books, “Creating Balance & Finding Happiness”, “Baby Steps: the Path from Motherhood to Career” and “ Mindfully Happy- waking up to life.”  Diane has been speaking and empowering people nationwide. She is also an Adjunct in Psychology at Montclair State University, where her college work includes mentoring students for personal issue advisement.


As an expert in her fields of therapy, Lang has been featured in the Daily Record, Family Circle, Family Magazine, Working Mother Magazine and Cookie Magazine, seen on NJ 12 TV, Good day CT, Style CT, The Veira Network, CBS TV and “Fox & Friends”.  She has also participated in a reality based Internet show, ourprisoner.com, hosted Generation X-tinet.

For more information please visit: www.dlcounseling.com or email [email protected]


