Mindful Resources
I am sitting at my desk enjoying the sun shining through the window this morning contemplating what would be the most helpful and useful topic in mindfulness to write about today. Mindfulness is fast becoming one of the most important skills you can have as research is finally catching up to what those of us who meditate already know, mindfulness and meditation matter.
Since I get asked for resources all of the time below you will find some of my favorite websites, apps, resources, and books.
My favorite websites include:
*www.mindfulnessexercises.com This site has countless FREE options for you. Sean Fargo was my Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and Coach several years ago. I highly recommend him!
*www.mindful.org This site has some fantastic articles and resources for all things a healthy mind and life.
*www.mindfulleader.org This site is all about mindfulness is the workplace. Their emails are awesome!
Although I am not a huge fan of apps, they can be helpful and these three offer some unique experiences:
*Balance, *HeadSpace, or *Insight Timer
Several books I highly suggest:
*Search Inside Yourself by Chade-Meng Tan -A HUGE favorite! This is all things mindfulness and emotional intelligence! Life changing...
*Difficult Conversations by Stone, Patton, and Heen. We all need this, too...
*Hardwiring Happiness by Rick Hansen- The neuroscience of happiness, your default state.
*Becoming Super Natural by Joe Dispenza- The science of human potential.
*Brain Storm by Dan Siegel (all about the teenage brain...) and The Whole Brain Child by Dan Siegel (Younger kids). Excellent parenting strategies based on brain function for anyone with children or anyone working with children.
*Altered Traits by Daniel Goleman and Richard J Davidson- The neuroscience of meditation and emotional intelligence.
Just for the kids:
Blissful Kids- Countless tips for fun self-awareness and mindfulness.
Mindful Schools of California- Training for adults working with children. The most well researched program for teaching mindfulness to children that exists.
Mindful Kids cards by Whitney Stewart and Mirna Braun and Yoga Pretzel cards by Tara Guber and Leah Kalish- Beautifully done as well as fun and simple ideas for children to learn mindfulness.
And of course you can always work with me! If you would like to learn more please set up a time to visit by phone CLICK HERE
Thank you,
Amy McCae
Corporate Wellness Trainer. Life Coach. Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. Holistic Wellness Expert.
Social Media Manager for Creatives
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