the Mindful Monday Newsletter. 18th November 2024.
Nicholas Hammond (he/him)
TED Speaker, Mindfulness Teacher, RSA Fellow, Chair of Trustees and budding Poet. Award-winning communications expert, with a passion for the areas of wellness & mindful health, travel & tourism.
From Mindfulness Matters. Today . An eclectic, hand-picked selection of stories from the past week. Hope one, or some, of these pieces allows the opportunity for connection and the chance to pause, feel and think. ?
Are you interested in learning how mindfulness can assist with greater mental clarity, lower stress levels, greater resilience, improved concentration and communication skills, and emotional intelligence? Please get in touch on this channel or [email protected] and +44 7920 257908?
I have a three-week Experiencing Mindfulness course, coming up in January. Please see information, here.
Highly recommended. On Thursday I attended a screening of 'Purpose' an engaging film about economic systems change and also (per a review) the inspiring story of two people who are fighting for a world in which humanity can survive!" Organised by Anwen Cooper ?????? at The Conduit Club and a Q&A featuring two people who appeared in the film - Professor Lorenzo Fioramonti, Founder Director of the Institute of Sustainability at the University of Surrey, and Katherine Trebeck, co-founder of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance - WEAll, alongside filmmaker Martin Oetting.
Nice piece from on enantiodromia = “the emergence of the unconscious opposite in the course of time.”?And how it can help us?make sense of our world today?and the way we navigate it. The converse position is summed nicely by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”?
I am reading A Beginner’s Guide to Dying, at the moment. Written by Simon Boas, who was dying from cancer as he wrote it. It is beautiful and (as one reviewer wrote) has anyone ever written a more inspirational paean to the joy of life?'
I am thoroughly enjoying notifications from the WeCroak app. The WeCroak app is inspired by a Bhutanese folk saying:?to be a happy person, one must contemplate death five times daily. Each day, we’ll send you five invitations to stop and think about death… Wonderful. Thank you to Kalyana Bliss for recommending.
?Friend of MMT, Alex Etchart and Fire Choir are crowdfunding an album of a capella songs of joy and social justice everyone can learn and sing to spread community care this winter ?? They are crowdfunding and are 80% there with just 8 days left. I'd love it if you could contribute as much or as little as you can and tell everyone.
?Gymshark’s pop-up salon tackles a major barrier to fitness for Black women. Research shows 45% of Black women avoid exercise to preserve their hairstyle. Addressing that challenge, Gymshark’s Twist ’n’ Sets salon offered free hair treatments and styling advice
Nice idea. Calm’s US election Ad. 30” of silence.
Friend of MMT David Pearl has a new book out and he’s always worth a read. We’re living through a time when fiction seems more powerful than fact - when tales trump truth. Storytelling is a power-tool of leadership but it’s one that can both build and destroy. That’s why it’s more important than ever for leaders to master the art of story; not just telling stories about what happened but creating authentic stories that shape what happens next. Story For Leaders.
?Short Tik-Tok video from the hopementor777. Life is about moments. Lovely stuff.
The Feminist Library is a brilliant library, bookshop and community space in Peckham. They host workshops, reading groups, fayres and more. With November being traditionally a month of remembrance, they posted a roundup of books about women in conflict from their collection. Ranging from women’s lives in WW2 to women resisting nuclear armament in the pacific.
‘It felt wild and mystical’: readers’ favourite remote spots in Europe.
#mindfulness #meditation #sustainability #feminism #leadership #purpose #nature #hope #truth #storytelling