the Mindful Monday Newsletter. 16th December 2024.
Nicholas Hammond (he/him)
TED Speaker, Mindfulness Teacher, RSA Fellow, Chair of Trustees and budding Poet. Award-winning communications expert, with a passion for the areas of wellness & mindful health, travel & tourism.
An eclectic, hand-picked selection of stories from the past week. Hope one, or some, of these pieces allow the opportunity for connection and the chance to pause, feel and think.??
Are you interested in learning how mindfulness can assist with greater mental clarity, lower stress levels, greater resilience, improved concentration & communication skills, and emotional intelligence? Then get in touch on this channel or at [email protected] and +44 7920 257908. Nicholas ??
I have a three-week Experiencing Mindfulness course, coming up in January. Suitable for beginners and those with an established practice. Please see information, here.
?Here are the stories from the last two weeks -
AI x Architecture. Professor Carlos Ba?on Blasquez works with AI to craft mesmerising architectural images. ?A smile for the eyes. ?HT to David Pearl for this and the 2 other stories. You can sign up for David’s newsletter here.?
On Specificity?(2-minute read). Rishi Dastidar reminds us of the importance of using words with intention:?“If you can paint a picture in someone’s mind, the image – and the words, and hopefully the intention behind them – are much more likely to stick.”?
Thank you to Kevin Harris for this. How can we love fully in the face of inevitable loss? ??
The latest edition of Nick Cave’s Red Hand Files. Always moving, Nick replies to a letter from a fan. ‘I used to play Into My Arms for my girlfriend. I came to your concert in Birmingham, but I had to leave early. It was far too emotional for me and reminded me of the amazing times I had with my girlfriend, which I know I will never get back.'
?Introducing? .A search engine that lets you search through artworks based on a 'vibe', aka the meaning or semantics of a text. Try it out by going to?, and searching for a vibe. For example: 'A gloomy landscape in the winter' ?HT Paul Armstrong
Why do we say “like,” like, all the time??In defence of the supremely useful and unfairly maligned word. Spoiler alert (it’s all about) expressing some sort of subjectivity. And that’s the true power of “like.”
?This is powerful stuff. Have tissues at the ready!? Heartstrings. Hearing Aid feature on AirPods Pro 2.
Love the stimulating (and tireless) work that Simon Derungs does celebrating great advertising. I think this one is particularly good. As Simon says …’ To quote Rod Stewart, “Karma got ya”. This 2019 ad is for Animalife, a Portuguese charity that works to prevent the abandonment of animals. It’s fun, with just the right amount of vengeance, and flies in the face of most animal charities who use 'sadvertising' to raise money. You'll definitely need to watch to the end!
?A moving and beautifully animated piece. Karen Lips is researcher and lived for several years in a tiny little shack in Costa Rica to observe frogs. When she leaves the cloud forest for a short time and returns, the frogs are gone. All of them. Karen sets out to find them – and encounters a horrible truth. Mysterious deaths occur all over the planet and have a similar pattern. Why have so many species vanished? And what does it all have to do with us??
?Fun. How we expect people to react to our profiles on LinkedIn… (short video)
On Instagram. Some homespun advice. Uncle Pappy ??. A fella. Uniting folks ?? Spreading philosophy & positivity. Loving the environment ??
I am taking a break with the newsletter over the holiday season, returning in January. As much as is possible, hoping you have a positive and peaceful break and best wishes for the New Year. Nicholas.
#AI #environment #linkedin #extinction #instagram #intention #hearingimpaired #grief #architecture