Mindful Moments of the Week #9

Mindful Moments of the Week #9

Here are this week's set of guided mindfulness practices, most non-meditative practices. Each has a specific theme and narrative surrounding them

The Power of Journaling: Journaling is an incredibly powerful exercise. Proven through many experiments that it brings benefits to self-referential thinking, envisioning, creativity, and leadership amongst many more EQ areas. In this practice, we explore some journaling prompts related to the situation we are currently facing

Bedtime Mindfulness: Sleep is arguably THE best wellness activity that you can do. Without it, you can't function. Without enough of it, you will over the long-term breakdown. However, getting to sleep is often difficult for many as we find our minds wander as soon as our heads hit in the pillow. In this practice, we briefly touch on some exercises to do as you begin your sleep journey

The Practice of Patience: Typically, we are in a rush. We may always be doing something even when we're doing nothing. 'Killing time'. Browsing social media, the news sites, playing games etc. In this practice we explore how we can be mindful even in the activities which we use to 'kill time'. Introducing a new spin on the small things we do in the day

Stealth Kindness: Do you offer others enough kindness? Offering kindness has been found to benefit our brains as we begin to develop more compassionate thoughts towards others. Here we practice kindness but in stealth mode where we wishing people well on their journeys without actually saying anything. A practice we often explore in workshops

Where are the Feet? Feeling distracted? Triggered? Stressed? You could try focusing on your feet. In this practice, we look at our feet as the center-point of our awareness as a means to help distract us from distractions. Focusing on the present moment

Interested in hearing more about this and related topics? Follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter (@_Baines & @BeTranquilLed), and Instagram (@BeTranquilLed) where I regularly post insights relating to Health, Wellness, Mindfulness, Leadership & Innovation. Note that all views are my own

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