Mindful Leaders Know Their Strengths
Mark Bilton MBA FAICD
Independent Chair | Strategist | Leaders' Advocate | Advisory Board Creator | International YPO Facilitator | YPO Emeritus Ambassador.
Mindful leaders know their strengths. As leaders we are unique, we are individuals, we have certain strengths, things we are good at, and certain things that we're just not good at. If we are trying to be the perfect leader, we will ultimately fail. Being mindful of what we are good at, recognising that, being comfortable with that, allows us to operate in our strengths. If we don't do that, we will be in effective, or at least not as effective as we could be if we operated in our strengths. This also allows us to encourage others around us with difference strengths, to operate in theirs.
What is your genius? What are you really really good at in your organisation? Understanding what our core strengths are, where our true value lies, can become pivotal in the way we set up our leadership structures. Focusing on our core genius and delegating as much as possible that which is not our core, is how we create capacity for growth.