Mindful Judging: Strategies for Wellness
National Center for State Courts
Trusted Leadership. Proven Solutions. Better Courts.
May 30, 2024
By Cheryl Wright
In the pursuit of justice, judges shoulder immense responsibility by making critical decisions that impact lives and communities. The importance of daily self-care and the use of wellness strategies cannot be overstated. Self-care helps safeguard the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of judges, and wellness strategies can also contribute to the integrity, fairness, and effectiveness of the judicial system.
Mental Health Awareness Month in May served as a reminder to prioritize self-care. The challenges judges face, such as high caseloads, emotional intensity, stress, and the weight of decision-making, can have significant impacts on their mental health and overall well-being. Investing in the physical well-being of judges and court staff is an investment in the strength and longevity of the justice system.
Several courts and organizations are embracing the concept of judicial wellness. Florida, New Mexico, New York, Texas, and Virginia, to name just a few, have been proactive in addressing judicial wellness and have implemented various initiatives to support mental and physical health. These initiatives offer strategies judges can incorporate into their lives that will help to navigate the complexities of the judicial profession. Most, if not all, offer confidential assistance.
Judicature’s Five Ways Judges Can Improve Well-being offers proven strategies for judges to increase resilience, enhance well-being, and navigate the demands of their profession with greater clarity and effectiveness.
In its Judicial Wellness and Addressing the Mental Health and Well-Being of Judges and Court Employees reports, the National Judicial Task Force to Examine State Courts’ Response to Mental Illness looks at the judicial system as a whole. They offer strategies for members of the judiciary and the court system on promoting resilience in the face of ongoing changes in the courts.
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges’ wellness-connection-leadership initiative advocates for judicial well-being and provides resources to alleviate the inherent stress experienced by judges on the bench.
As guardians of justice, judges do more than just fairly solve legal problems. They also have the job of maintaining their own well-being and resilience, ensuring the continued effectiveness and integrity of the judicial system.
Does your court have resilience-building initiatives in place? Share your experiences with us. For more information, contact [email protected] or call 800-616-6164. Follow the National Center for State Courts on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Vimeo. For more Trending Topics posts, visit ncsc.org/trendingtopics and subscribe to the LinkedIn newsletter.