Mindful Foodie Tips to Keep Summer Alive All Year Long

Mindful Foodie Tips to Keep Summer Alive All Year Long

Living in the Hudson Valley has its perks, and right now, we’re in the middle of blueberry season! A wonderful friend recently took me to her secret spot on the mountain to pick blueberries, and we hit the jackpot! We picked more blueberries than we could ever eat in one go.

So, what do you do when life hands you a ton of blueberries? You get creative! I’ve been snacking on them fresh, baking mouthwatering muffins, and even freezing them two ways: whole and blended in ice cube trays for smoothies.

The best part? Every time I pull those blueberries out of the freezer, I’m reminded of that beautiful day spent hiking and picking with my friend. It’s not just about the blueberries; it’s about the memories and joy they bring.

At this time of year, I turn into a bit of a hoarder – but in the best way possible. I stock up on all the delicious produce as it comes into season. Many of you with gardens are also enjoying an abundance of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

But we've all been there: you get home or come in from your garden and realize what seemed like a reasonable amount of produce now looks overwhelming. It's like the mad August rush to put zucchini in everything or coming back from the orchard in October with two bushels of apples, wondering how you'll use them all. Yes, we've all been there!

This is one of my favorite parts of walking the Mindful Foodie path: figuring out how to use (or save!) the ingredients in front of me. It pushes us to be creative and thoughtful and to embrace what the season brings!

So, I have two tips for you today. One is a mindset tip, and the other is a practical tip for dealing with what might feel like eighty million pounds of blueberries (slight exaggeration).

First, the practical tip: you can freeze most fruits like blueberries! Just like my beloved tomato hack, it's easier than you might think. You can freeze them whole, blend them up and freeze them into individual servings using ice cube trays, or make muffins for the freezer as a quick grab-and-go snack.

If you have extra time, why not prep some easy meals too? Got a bunch of zucchinis? Make zucchini fritters or zucchini lasagna roll-ups – they freeze well. And a personal favorite: stuffed bell peppers. Choose your filling – Italian meat, taco-style, or a rice and bean mix. Make the stuffing, let it cool, stuff the peppers, and pop them in the freezer. When you're ready to cook, place them in a glass baking dish, add a bit of water to the bottom, cover with foil, and cook straight from the freezer. It's that easy!

Now, for the mindset tip: nobody is born knowing what to do in the kitchen. If you bought a watermelon over the weekend and suddenly remember exactly how much fruit is in a watermelon, don't panic! You're allowed to experiment. In fact, I insist you do! Watermelon freezes great in chunks or pureed and put into ice cube trays. Or what about a sorbet? Have the wheels in your mind turning yet?

The most fun part of becoming a Mindful Foodie is trying new things. You might even find it's your favorite part. Each winter, when I reach for a bit of frozen summertime, I feel so grateful. Preparing and freezing your food is one of the most mindful things you can do as a foodie. It reduces waste, saves money, and shows appreciation for everything that went into getting that food from where it was grown to your table. So, embrace this habit, be grateful, and enjoy every bite!

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Filomena Fanelli

PR agency CEO & media maven - Fancy way to say I help companies get in the news, transform leaders into thought leaders and cut through the clutter with messaging that matters - and I do it all with a smile.

2 个月

A great reminder that it's ok to hoard the goodies!

Steven Bonin

Health-driven nutrition for busy creators | Boost your energy and creativity | Chef ? Digital Creator

2 个月

There are so many great tips here! We always end up with lots of zucchini, and being able to make zucchini fritters for a mid-week meal is a lifesaver! Thank you for this.


