Mindful Entrepreneurship: How to Harness the Power of Presence for Business Success
Living in the Gap 501c3
We work with passionate, mission-driven leaders, CEOS, & entrepreneurs who want to make a bigger difference in the world
Mindfulness is key to successful entrepreneurship. Thoughts are energy because everything is energy, and thought energy can be manifested into something material or solid. That is why direct actions like meditation and affirmations are the first steps to manifesting your ventures in real life.
Meditation is a practice of watching our thoughts and growing Presence. It’s a practice that allows us to take a let thoughts pass through our minds without impact or manifestation. With a regular mindfulness meditation practice, we have a choice as to which thoughts are fertilized and fostered and which thoughts simply pass though like bubbles in a glass of champagne.
It also allows us to grow a gap between our thoughts and simply situate ourselves within Presence, which can help us grow awareness and experience joy. You can think of meditation as gardening, in which we foster the thoughts we choose into ideas or thoughts we choose to weed out.
Practices such as visualization, reading, or affirmation allow us to plant the seeds we wish to develop and manifest. For example:
The mind is a garden, and gardens need maintenance. In other words, once you’ve planted the seeds, you need to remove the weeds.
The more someone can fill the mind with desirable and productive thoughts, the less room there is for unproductive thoughts. In my experience, performing these activities while simultaneously weeding out counterproductive thoughts through meditation has the best effect.
This might look like bringing awareness to your current finances and savings, credit rating, and other parts of launching a new business while simultaneously bringing awareness to what is counterproductive, like taking an expensive vacation during the launch and not paying your bills on time (i.e., having a poor credit score), so they can be minimized.
Focusing on the next right steps to take while creating awareness around potential pitfalls is crucial to success. All of this and more can be accomplished using mindfulness practices.