MINDFUL EATING 101 | Having a healthy relationship with food
Dr. Arianne Missimer
Founder/CEO of The Movement Paradigm | Author | IFM Functional Medicine Practitioner | Doctor of Physical Therapy | Registered Dietitian
Did you ever wonder how mindful eating can help you have a healthier relationship with food?
The first step in having a healthier relationship with food is really to begin to change your perspective about food.
Food is amazing.
It is a connection; a way to bring people, families, and cultures together. If we think of it from the perspective of medicine; food is medicine. It can be healing in so many ways. Not only can help with most chronic and autoimmune diseases, but it can also be preventative for the majority of lifestyle-related diseases.
Food is also information.
This is so important! Food is constantly giving us information, it’s just whether or not we decide we want to listen to it or not. It gives us information about how it affects our energy levels, it may or may not contribute to digestive issues or even aches and pains in our body. Once again, we just have to listen to it and explore it.
Food is powerful.
When we think of it as this powerful gift that we have in our lives that not only allows us to survive in this world but to thrive; it seems that we can be more present in our eating and improve our relationship with food.
When you sit down to eat your meal, be aware of what’s happening in your body. Are you actually hungry, or are you full, bored, stressed, or even sad? Take inventory of what’s happening and a pause to tune in to see why you’re eating. Then, aim to eliminate all distractions. Try to clear your environment and make sure there’s no TV or phone. Try to limit all distractions so that you can be present with your meal, be in tune with the process of eating.
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