The Mindful Business Analyst

The Mindful Business Analyst

The mindful Business Analyst understands balance. Problem cases...requirements analysis...user stories...solution analysis...traceability matrices...project management plans....communications...feasibility is easy to get caught up in the minutia.

Breathe... What is most important? NOW....

The mindful Business Analyst balances the past (what was) with the future (what can be) and focuses on NOW (what is). What can we do today to improve the situation. It is important to have a vision as to where you want to go with your project. A good vision is clear, concise, communicated and most importantly has context. Context = why? What is the value proposition? Once that is understood then break down the how and begin to realize that outcome through progressive elaboration and continuous improvement.

It is easy to get caught up in what was and what can be. The benefit of focusing on what is can be leveraged again and again. By focusing on NOW, it becomes easy to gain a successful outcome today. If you are able to string together a set of successful outcomes, then your overall results will be greater than the sum of those successes.

The mindful Business Analyst is successful because they focus on the present. They zero in on the NOW and channel all their activity into that.

I hope you enjoyed today’s post. You can follow me on twitter @tgsaet for more inspirations if you like and as always………….

don’t forget to smile, be safe and say your gratitudes


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