Be mindful and aware of others that may need some help...
Paul Segreto
Small Business, Restaurants & Franchising | Entrepreneurial Growth | Empowering Coach | Transformative Advisor | Visionary Strategist
As we quickly approach year's end, I know for many it's a time of reflection and planning. For others, it may be a time of loneliness and depression and possibly, despair. Increasing costs and economic uncertainty put a damper on the holiday season that certainly did not help those already having less than a positive mindset.
And despite several days away from work, if unhappy with work or if challenges have been mounting as they've been for many entrepreneurs and business owners, it has become difficult, if not impossible to clear one's mind. In fact, idle time may keep the difficulties more front and center without the distractions of work and operating a business.
Unfortunately, for some, it's has all become too much to handle and sadly, could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. As such, I'm compelled to share the following article I had written a while back about a personal experience.
When the volume increases, there are positive solutions!
Recently, I was told about someone who had committed suicide. I had only met him once, but it got me thinking about what may have been going through that person’s mind.
Personally, I can only imagine the ‘noise’ being experienced without being able to control the volume either to drown it out or to hear it better. It’s like what we’ve all done at one time or another… turning up the volume on the car radio when hearing a noise that wouldn’t go away or that couldn’t be identified or when turning up the volume was just to hear something more clearly, and at times, just because a certain song was playing — sometimes stirring up memories. There could be other reasons.
There are also times the volume is cranked up to ‘disappear’ into deep, personal thought, essentially, to just get lost in the moment. However, turning up the volume could possibly be a form of denial akin to putting one’s head in the sand. Isn’t it interesting that similar actions are done for various reasons and possibly, for different results? Yet, the action taken is often done impulsively without nary a thought as to the action being taken and certainly with no thought as to the consequences thereafter.
Here is a quote about suicide from an episode of Yellowstone as John Dutton tries to reason with his son, Jamie who is sitting alone in a field with a gun in his hand…
You know the thing about suicide, you don’t just kill yourself. You kill every memory of you. This’ll be all everyone remembers, Jamie. Every second you spent on this earth will be reduced to how you chose to leave it.
Ultimately, how do we help others to help them think through what it is that’s on their minds before it’s too late? How do we help others toward better mental health, a necessity for better decision-making and in understanding and managing emotions? Of course, I really don’t know. It’s just hard to grasp the why in these situations. It’s all difficult to comprehend.
During this holiday season, and any time for that matter, please talk to someone and share your thoughts, feelings. Do not feel anything less than the wonderful person that you are. To put it bluntly, shit happens but there is always a positive solution to reverse course.
If you feel you have no one to talk to, contact me. I'm happy to help. You can reach out to me on any social media, on LinkedIn, by email to [email protected], or feel free to call or text me at (832) 797-9851. I will respond as quickly as humanly possible!
If you feel you're at wit's end, please immediately call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1–800–273–8255.
In any event, no one will think less of you if you reach out for help. You're loved no matter what you may think. Please do not hesitate to reach out to someone!
Franchise Coordinator/Customer Service Rep
2 年Thank for offering your help to people and I love John Dutton
Small Business, Restaurants & Franchising | Entrepreneurial Growth | Empowering Coach | Transformative Advisor | Visionary Strategist
2 年Here's a great article by Bryan Dijkhuizen that I read today about ensuring positive mental health in 2023. I highly recommend it as a must-read...