Mindcandy 6 June 2022
Ron Immink
I empower innovative, purpose driven companies by crafting compelling visions for the future. Make them more compelling for all stakeholders. Strategist, positive futurist, coach, advisor, mentor, author and speaker.
You can't predict the future, you can make smart business decisions today by understanding the latest technology and business.
From my information dashboard of 6 June 2022?
The topics to think about (and discuss in your company) are Imaginology, supercomputers, universe computers, digital twinning, tuneable invincibility, cats, the anti-book, unlimited energy, fabric that generates energy and bugs and drugs.
The key message; sometimes is it nice to wonder. What would happen if these technologies (supercomputers, unlimited energy, programmable cells) fully mature?
We need a new kind of approach to learning that shifts imagination from the periphery to the foundation of all knowledge
An example of exponential. A 9000X improvement. It is a lot more if you consider how?many milliseconds there are in a year. One year is equal to 31557600000 milliseconds.
Universe computers?
Digital twinning
Digital twin: How a virtual representation of a system boosts effectivity
A digital twin is a virtual representation of a real system – a building, the power grid, a city, even a human being – that mimics the characteristics of the system. A digital twin is more than just a computer model, however. It receives data from sensors in the real system to constantly parallel the system’s state.
Secret of squid invisibility used to turn human cells transparent
Of all the superpowers in the animal kingdom, the squid’s ability to turn invisible is one of the coolest. And now scientists have managed to recreate that in human cells for the first time, granting them tuneable transparency.
It’s 10 PM. Do You Know Where Your Cat Is?
A perspective about cats that every cat owner should read.
The Antilibrary: Why Unread Books Are The Most Important
In Bookbuzz, we use the anti-book, the book that disagrees with all the other books we introduce.??https://www.ronimmink.com/bookbuzz/
Limitless energy. Read?https://www.ronimmink.com/design-a-business-model-based-on-abundance/
A piece of energy harvesting fabric can generate enough electricity to light up 100 LEDs.
Bugs and drugs
Magnets Made by Soil Bacteria Offer Hope for Breast and Prostate Cancer
In a “bugs as drugs” approach, medical researchers in England are using living bacterial magnets to guide viruses engineered to attack cancer tumours.