Mind Your Mind
Your Future Ignited
I'm driven to help you ignite your future! Get started on your Personal Growth journey and build your own future!
Let’s chat for a minute, I promise it won’t take long.?
I want to talk to you about your mind, to let you know that it can’t be left to run on auto pilot.?
I’ve recently had to sit down and give my self some tough love around what my mind was doing, telling me and showing me. It was showing me all that was wrong with me, how I wasn’t measuring up to other people. It was hard, I was about as low as I think I ever have been. I was in a yucky place and I was not coping with simple day to day tasks or anything unexpected which came my way. But I had let my mind run on autopilot and it was not good.?
I knew I had to get out of this funk, I had to change something somewhere because I did not like how I was feeling or acting. My Husband suggested I go and talk to the GP (which I have done) and he has been so supportive while I have been less that loveable.?
Part of changing things meant that I needed to start taking my mind off autopilot and being in control of what I was seeing, what I was reading and what was popping up in my socials. I removed a lot, I reflected a lot and I took some time to get still.?
This was a great start but I still needed more.I spontaneously decided one day on the way to my son’s softball training the we would stop and grab a notebook and a pen so I could journal some things out while he trained.?
Thank you to the little bit of my mind that wanted me back, it started giving me nudges towards the tools to help me manage my mind better.?
It started with the journaling, morning and night. Getting all of the things in my head out. Then I made some tweaks to it, I wanted to set my self up for an amazing day ever day, so the new plan was list out 5 gratuities each morning, then journal my visualisations out for how my day, my week or at any point in the future was going to look.?
Let me tell you, this in and of its self gave me the first big shift and was that first little step for me. I take that journal with me everywhere at the moment, and when things become too much or when something amazing happens I write it all down.?
Next thing I did was tap into some personal development, and I fully committed to it. I was going to show up each day for me. This was my time for me and my mind to get along. This was the 2nd little building block I added to my morning to get my day started well.?
By adding the personal development into my days I have been able to shift my focus and perspectives, I have been able to tap into a loving and supportive community and enjoy the energy they share. Most of all I have started to get back out of my head.
This week I will be adding daily physical activity into my routine. I will be the first to admit that this one is the one that I’ve not done well in the past. Now more than ever I need this. I have an injury that needs the movement to recover, it needs to go through the physiotherapy and get stronger again. But so does the rest of my body. The rest of my body needs to feel good and I need to support it by moving it each and every day.?
Things are shifting for me, albeit slowly, they are shifting in the most exciting and positive ways.?
I am now excited for what tomorrow might bring, I am starting to sleep better and my physical pain levels have gone right down.?
I want to say this right at the end, I did see my GP about this, and I have spoken to a counsellor as well. I am not an island, and nor are you. None of these tools replace the help of a professional but they are small things you can try to see if they help you shift your mood too.?