Mind your Choices.
In the midst of the noise, we forget the true nature of our being. We can become so focused on the tasks at hand that we neglect to pay conscious attention to our intention. The spirit of success that has unlimited access to abundant joy is the one who is mindful of his choice and how that serves the self and humanity.
Who do you want to be today? What declaration are you willing to make despite the chaos that may surround you? How will you commit yourself to a day that is still unformed and in its infancy? For the man or woman who has the courage to stand boldly in their conviction, the big picture and all of the necessary details will unfold on their own. Your job is to get your arms around today and to manage your thoughts, words, and actions so that they are aligned with your personal definition of success. Know what you want without concerning yourself with how you will get there. Create the space for miracles and allow yourself to expand beyond your perceived limitations in ways that you never thought possible.
Success or sabotage? Success is a natural result for those who understand that we are human BEings, not human DOings.
Is this going to be an incredible day??How are you creating your own destiny at this moment?