Mind and Yogi
The two Mind and Yogi are the same because if the body does not exist thus, the mind and body do not exist at all. The two bodies have unknowingly created the body out of pleasure and pain. Form two bodies namely men and women.
A pleasure to obtain health and co-wealth, pain leads to diseases of the physical body. Without the body everything else is nothing. But spirits are beyond the body as everyone knows it. Leading a healthy life to live a wealthy lifestyle.
The spirits are purely genuine once they enter the body the evil starts, my question is whether the evil is the spirit or the mind. No matter what I love myself for being spirit because in such a scenario I learn to be manipulative. Manipulation between the mind and body. Understanding the good and bad lies within my control, if the surroundings are conducive environment. It has to be created by me and only me. That is what many thought to mankind namely the "Inner Peace".
"Be yourself because everyone else already Taken" by Oscar Wilde