Mind the ‘Topplers’ (1)
Hello everyone, welcome to the month of June! I will like to mention that the purpose of these write-ups is to call the attention of entrepreneurs and prospective entrepreneurs to things I believe will make their journey less stressful and successful. Over the following episodes, I will be writing on some ‘topplers’ to avoid on your journey to building that venture of your dream.
In my last write-up I touched on the issue of selling a product or service that solves a problem. This may sound so basic but as emotional beings that we are, we sometimes get carried away by the product or services we want to sell instead of what is in demand. For me, the first rule of business will be ‘Sell what is needed’. By all means, avoid the temptation to sell what you want unless you will be selling to yourself.
Secondly, one of the ways to know what is needed is through extensive research. I know in some cases time-to-market could be a great advantage but that does not excuse inadequate research. Your research phase is when you evaluate the market, customers and ways to stand out in your market, among other things. When this is done with due diligence, your decisions are fueled with adequate knowledge.
Thirdly, sell in a way that would appeal to the people you want to sell to, however that is. One of the things to find out at the research stage is the location, the demography, and social status of who you want to sell to. A clear knowledge of this helps you to narrow down your options on how to present your product and services.
I wish you great success on your Entrepreneurial Journey.