Mind: A Sound Medium

Mind: A Sound Medium

Excerpt from the book:
SOUND—The Fabric of Soul, Consciousness, Reality, and the Cosmos

The human brain has five known natural wave cycles. These cycles are measured using an electroencephalograph. Each cycle corresponds to the state of our consciousness:

 Delta (0.50–3Hz)—present when we are sleeping or engaged in deep meditation

 Theta (3–8Hz)—present while we are experiencing vivid dreams, semi-awake states, or meditation

 Alpha (8–12Hz)—present when we are awake, calm, resting, and learning

 Beta (12–38Hz)—present when we are alert, working, and engaged in complex mental activities, such as thought, problem solving, and so on

 Gamma (38–42Hz)—present when we are engaged in the vibration of love, spirituality, and oneness/consciousness

 Brain waves are dynamic energies, forming the core of the human mind. They are the vibrations of thought, language, memory, consciousness, and the perception of human reality. Still beyond this level of human essence, brain waves are the link between our internal and external worlds. They read, interpret, and synchronize the human species with the entire spectrum of vibrations of our environment. This environment, which is made of sound elements, directly influences our formation and perception of reality.

 Mind: A Sound Medium

There is a deep correlation between music and the mind. In music, we rely on families of chords to build harmonic patterns. In language, we rely on word associations to speak coherently about a subject matter.

We submit that the mind is a sound-based medium that functions on tones, resonances, and rhythms. When we analyze the human thought process, we find an interesting symmetry between a word and a chord. While words are joined together to form sentences, chords are sequenced together to form songs. In order to form a sentence, several thoughts or chords have to be strummed in a sequence. The sequencing of thoughts or chords is dictated by the harmonic resonances generated by each individual word or tone of the thought. A sentence is born when the mind is able to harmonize several thoughts or chords together, selecting from the natural resonances generated by the thoughts or words. Thus, a resonating sentence is a sequence of words where the overtones of each thought are matched in intervals that create coherent harmonics. Conversely, a sentence is incoherent when the resonances of each word are dissonantly matched, creating a strong inharmonic clash. Thus, a harmonic song is analogous to a sound sentence where all harmonic resonances are matched perfectly.

As an example, if we say the word ocean, instantaneously, the words blue, waves, sand, sky, ships, boats, sailors, fish, whale, and others will automatically come to mind. We posit that these word associations represent the natural harmonic resonances to the root tone or word ocean. We would have to force our minds to think of words like plate, tree, fig, and sneakers when we hear the word ocean. This is because these words would be considered inharmonic tones to the word ocean.

Similarly, if we were to say the word snow, words like white, cold, flakes, ski, blizzard, shovel, snowplow, winter, and the like would automatically come to the forefront of our minds. These are natural overtones propagating from the primal tone of the word snow. This is assuming we are familiar with snow. Otherwise, the word would have no reference or meaning to us. In other words, there would be no overtones to this word in our consciousness.

Thus, individual words are essentially sounds with infinite overtones. This is especially true of nouns. Nouns automatically generate resonance with other nouns within their scale structures. These nouns are then combined with subjects and verbs to form simple sentences.

 We can take this analysis even further as in the following example:

 Rakes of ocean, red breeze covering late milk sad cries. Phase lakes of me, tree remorse, crying fire.

In this sentence, it is impossible for the mind to arrive at meaning. This is because each word in the sentence produces overtones that are inharmonic to the next word. Without any matching overtones in the same sentence, these words stand alone as primal tones of their own. The only words that have overlapping tones are of ocean, sad cries, and of me. The rest have no resonance connection to another word in the sentence. Like notes, words and sentences have to be carefully crafted in order for the overtones to be matched.

Through this simple analysis, we can see how words or tones propagate across the human frequency-based mind, where each tone creates infinite possibilities of words or thoughts across the wave spectrum. In this context, a sentence is essentially a sequence of chords or thoughts strung together. Thus, in language, meaning arises out of the tone and rhythm of each word and its harmonic overtones. As individual tones produce resonances, so does a sequence of chords or thoughts combine to form whole sentences. Chords and thoughts being made up of multiple tones generate an even greater number of overtones, exponentially widening the choice of words or thoughts and sentences that can be created. In short, music and the mind operate on the same propagation rules of overtones and resonances.

By: Jo?o Mendes and Ramiro Mendes
SOUND is available worldwide in Hardcover and Kindle versions at Amazon: https://goo.gl/4kicJe
www.thebookonsound.com @Mendesbrothers


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