Mind Punch
“There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for avast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own. However, nothing dispirits, and nothing seems worth while disputing. He bolts down all events, all creeds, and beliefs, and persuasions, all hard things visible and invisible, never mind how knobby; as an ostrich of potent digestion gobbles down bullets and gun flints. And as for small difficulties and worryings, prospects of sudden disaster, peril of life and limb; all these, and death itself, seem to him only sly, good-natured hits, and jolly punches in the side bestowed by the unseen and unaccountable old joker. That odd sort of wayward mood I am speaking of, comes over a man only in some time of extreme tribulation; it comes in the very midst of his earnestness, so that what just before might have seemed to him a thing most momentous, now seems but a part of the general joke.”
― Herman Melville, Moby Dick
I sit outside in the mornings, well I sit outside in the summer. The rest of the time I’m inside keeping warm, but there is something about a pre-six am cup of coffee on one’s front porch.
The sounds alone are worth the price of admission. I don’t know if I’m hearing crickets, frogs, or a broken piece of the Matrix. It’s a perfect soundtrack for “my time”.
The world is truly mine before 6:00 am. It’s “my time” to get up (on purpose), make some strong coffee, grab my laptop and mind dump.
I don’t check the news, I don’t check email. I get my coffee, log into my company server, click on “article template” and begin to write whatever comes to mind.
Some days my words miss their mark, other days my words seem to resonate with a few folks. This morning I’m thinking throw away, but let’s see what little message gurgles up from the depths of that spring that feeds my prose.
I will have a great day today. I can tell you this because I have chosen to have a great day. While the rest of the world will struggle with stress, anger, and frustration, I’ll smile. Do me a favor and choose to have a great day. It really is your decision.
I’m a happy fellow, a jester if you will. A little boy in a man’s body that still say’s “Hi!” to those I pass. I rode a community bike the other day and rang the bell waving to anyone that would wave back, I have learned that approaching life like a child can pay large dividends. Today, I ask that you live like a child, be curious, say “Hi!” to strangers, engage other humans.
I approach life with wonder. I seek out smart, accomplished, motivated people. If you are a SAM, chances are we are connected. If we have yet to meet, I’m looking for you. Today, find someone smarter than you and ask them a question. What is their why? What makes them tick?
I walk a lot and I’m in love, I have this beautiful creature I refer to as my Queen. We are not married, we are happy, we do life together. We are on a journey together waking each day pushing each other to be better than we were yesterday. Today is a great day for a walk, grab your partner, walk just a little bit, try and get a few morning steps.
I consume content. I’m hungry for knowledge and so I spend my time listening to podcasts, audio books, and watching Ted Talks. Learning is part of my daily activity. Today, I remind you to listen. Stop talking and simply listen.
I have a wise disabled friend, he’s 60 something, but acts 30. He’s hungry for knowledge and drinks from the firehose of knowledge daily. No matter your age or social position, there has never been a better time to learn. I ask that you pick a topic and learn a little something new. Knowledge is free.
I’m meeting with a couple of strangers today. People that I’ve connected with via a friend’s advice, I’ll learn about these people, their vocation, their needs and I’ll listen. I’ll listen to their story and I’ll try and find pain. Our company mission statement is find the pain, heal the pain, and show the love. Today, find some pain and heal it. We are surrounded by people in pain, take an interest in others, be kind, and show love.
We had dinner with a couple last night. We broke bread and exchanged stories. They are both vegan and ate what looked to be seaweed rolls, we ate a plate of meat. Vegans and meat eaters are not supposed to be friends, but yet we love these people and our dietary differences provide a point of connection and not a point of conflict. Seek out others that are different and find out why. Why are they eating seaweed? Why are we eating meat?
The restaurant owner where we dined is from Turkey. He just bought another business yesterday. Another restaurant, he’s growing his empire. He came here from another country, he is seizing the American Dream. It’s encouraging that people from other countries can come to our country, start from scratch and build wealth. He doesn’t complain about the government, the rules, the economy, he simply goes to work every day, carves out his spot in society. He’s happy, he showers in the opportunity that our country provides. Stop complaining and shower in the opportunity around you.
On Friday of last week, I took an hour, two index cards and I began to write. I wrote, with my hand, everything that came to mind. It was a great exercise, I opened my mind and asked myself what was missing in my life. What was important? Carve out an hour, take some time, connect with yourself, alone without your phone, introspective time is key, I think many of us are too busy to stop and organize our thoughts and beliefs. Take an hour and focus on you, you’ll be surprised what you think and need to get done.
Yesterday, I took those notes and followed up on those hundred or so collections of words. I wanted to learn a little more about Buddhism, so I downloaded a podcast on Buddhism. I rediscovered my “Soundview app”. I have summaries of every business book ever written. I don’t have time to read every business book, so tapping into my “Soundview app” allows for the consumption of new ideas, strategies, and various business concepts and ideas. Download the Soundview application today, get started opening your mind to new and different ideas about how to do life through business.
Well, my word count is approaching 1000. I’m not sure if I hit a mark today or not. I share with you various thoughts and maybe you gleaned something of value. Maybe you didn’t, I’ll remind you I’m not writing for you, I’m writing for me. So, sorry if I didn’t hit you between the eyes, I’ll save that mind punch for another day.
“There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for avast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own. However, nothing dispirits, and nothing seems worth while disputing. He bolts down all events, all creeds, and beliefs, and persuasions, all hard things visible and invisible, never mind how knobby; as an ostrich of potent digestion gobbles down bullets and gun flints. And as for small difficulties and worryings, prospects of sudden disaster, peril of life and limb; all these, and death itself, seem to him only sly, good-natured hits, and jolly punches in the side bestowed by the unseen and unaccountable old joker. That odd sort of wayward mood I am speaking of, comes over a man only in some time of extreme tribulation; it comes in the very midst of his earnestness, so that what just before might have seemed to him a thing most momentous, now seems but a part of the general joke.”
― Herman Melville, Moby Dick