Mind Over Brain Mutter
Vicki Dello Joio
I work with visionary speakers, coaches, & healers to deliver their message with passion, presence & power ? Communication coach for business professionals & CEO's ? Qigong master teacher ? Individual & Group Coaching
Do you have brain mutter looping in your head these days? Something like: “Why can’t I power through this work? Am I ever going to finish this project? Why can’t I find the energy to exercise more? I just want to crawl under the covers today! What’s the matter with me?”??
Every season marks a change in energy. We grow, we toil, we harvest, and rest. And sometimes our mental state hasn’t caught up with the calendar!??
That excessive, push-pull energy and discomfort happens in Nature, and includes the wide range of thoughts and feelings you might be experiencing lately.
Why? Because we are ALL connected intimately—from the vastness of the universe to the smallest measure of matter. We are part of the seasonal patterns of ups and downs, expansions and contractions including Nature’s seasonal cycles.
So, when you’re having thoughts or feelings like these “invading” your body and mind, it might just be your response to a seasonal pattern. There’s nothing wrong with you!
You don’t have to punish yourself for not producing enough, being energetic enough, being focused enough, or any other “not enough.”
Isn’t that a relief? Here is more good news: This awareness gives you permission to:
?? Trust that you are right where you are supposed to be, in the divine timing of the seasons.
?? Know that what you’re experiencing won’t last forever, so you can surrender to your feelings because they WILL change. And, the feelings and emotions won’t run amok because you…
??Take control over your response to this experience. You can choose to “go with the flow,” to accept that you are sometimes feeling irritable, fatigued, self-critical, etc., to enjoy where you are at the moment and the process that you're in — and love yourself through it.
Tip: Whatever the season, take advantage of sunlight. ?? Give yourself a “recess” during the day to walk around the block or in the park, or window shop, buy a flower to plant, invite a friend out, or sit at a coffee shop just to read for a while. These are the moments that will take you out of the brain mutter and bring you into the present to enjoy the things you love.