Mind Maps
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Mind Maps

What are Mind Maps?

There are a lot of unbeleivable things a human brain can do. But it needs to be trained to do that. Not only complex scenarios, there are a lot of simple things that we think are simple but aren't.

For example, you want to decide what career to choose, how many people would actually take time and research about their career before it's forced upon us?

People say that their parents won't understand about their career choices because it's something very different from the normal crowd. The reality is, many a times even we don't understand what we want to do.

In such cases, Mind Maps come in handy.

According to mindmapping.com, a Mind Map is a diagram for representing tasks, words, concepts, or items linked to and arranged around a central concept or subject using a non-linear graphical layout that allows the user to build an intuitive framework around a central concept.?

Simply put, if you want to sort things out, or you want to brainstorm on a particular concept, Mind Maps come handy. Mind Maps are very powerful, one can easily come out of any complex situation by using Mind Maps Correctly.

How did I use Mind Maps?

When I was new to angular framework, I used Mind Maps to understand the whole structure of Angular in one simple diagram.

Here is that diagram.

Angular Framework Architecture Mind Map.
Understanding Angular Mind Map

Not only Technical Stuff, you can also introspect yourself using Mind Maps...

Here's an example of an epiphany about an issue I had in my life.

Relationship Issue and introspection using mindmap.
Relation Mind Map

Wanna solve a #leetcode problem? Start Scribbling the whiteboard...

Leetcode problem solving using mindmap
Leetcode Mind Map

I use Mind Maps in work A LOT, it becomes very easy to understand complex structures using these.

Here's an example: (It's blurred purposely)

Blurred photo of a complex Code Architecture using Mind Map
Undertanding Complex Code Architecture using Mind Maps

What tool to use?

A simple whiteboard with least styling options is the best.

People often tend to waste time designing their mind maps forgetting it's purpose. Sometimes it's a lot of colors, sometimes there are hundreds of different fonts, all that leads to distraction and time waste.

Choose a tool like "Microsoft Whiteboard" (which I use) to get your complex work done easily and bring more simplicity in this chaotic world.

If you are not comfortable with computers, make it on a peice of paper, no issues.

How to use?

  1. Write down your goal in the center.
  2. What is the best and closest thing you can do to acheive it. OR, do you have second thoughts about the goal? If yes, write it down.
  3. What is the next most practical and possible thing or peice of information that you have regarding solving that problem, write it down.
  4. Think how do you acheive whateven you have written down and write that down too.
  5. Keep repeating step 4 till you get the answer/plan.
  6. (optional) Organise everything in a step by step manner.
  7. There you go, your problem is sorted ?.
  8. Now you just have to execute the steps in order to reach your goal. If it was just a brainstorming Mind Map, then boom, you have a much clear idea of that problem/architectural complexity that you have.

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Harshit Pandey

Linux | AOSP | Android Dev

2 年




