The Mind – a magnificent mirror!
Nikhil Danak

The Mind – a magnificent mirror!

In cosmic creation, human is the most intelligent living being. This belief emerged from what we call the human experience of exploration! There could be a superior intellectual living being beyond human experience within cosmic creation! However, humans have not yet known about it or discovered it. So, let’s accept that on this planet we humans are the most superior in our existence. It is said - “Gradually, man has become a fantastic animal that has to fulfill one more condition of existence than any other animal: man has to believe, to know, from time to time, why he exists.” –Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche?(1844-1900)


The expedition of human life has many facets in terms of scientific discoveries. However, these inventions are ultimately narrowed down to the three larger dimensions of living life – Biology (Body), Chemistry (Brain), and Physics (Breath). In fact, the last century has witnessed huge improvements in human life from all these innovations. The quality of human life has been enhanced in many ways. It is undeniable that tremendous progress has happened in human life during the last century. Unfortunately, most of the progress has been done with more material significance – outer growth but very little has been achieved for inner growth! And to understand inner growth, mass needs to seek the importance of The Mind.


One of my articles – Musing Management of Maximalism to Minimalism - has explained the idea of consumerism and its effect on human Psychology. The human brain has been magnetized for decades for material success, which brought society to a worrisome stage. People are confined to relating life’s happiness purely with material success. Most people in society are suffering from depression due to preconditioned state of belief about comparative material success rather than competitive cognitive success through intelligentsia. The psychological sphere of consumerism behavior creates anxiousness about fulfilling desires at any cost, which could be a trigger point of imbalance in emotional quotient if desires are not satisfied!

The second common cause of mental disequilibrium is societal pressure or community disparity. Involuntarily, human psychology is influenced by the societal environment. It is an implicit effect either at the schools, workplace, community turnout, or other social involvement that creates an inferior feeling of inequality when it comes to social status based on external factors. We have diverse elements in society that directly impacts children, adults, and seniors on a day-to-day basis. The human brain is registering consciously or unconsciously the impact of societal behaviors on daily basis. The churning thought process hammering constantly for inequivalent treatment or unfulfilled needs, and discontentment with life. This disturbs the emotional equilibrium that leads to mental health issues.

The third common cause is family circumstances and early childhood conditions. This is the most significant part of parenting. These early images of life always play an important role in building up your mental strength & personality. The overall family condition is also important. Some people are victimized by early childhood abuse, some are passed through a lack of parental support, and some are bullied. Some people have faced poverty and financial hardship. All these elements are framing mental environment. The impression of these experiences remains forever. It is not possible to revive a mental state without a cure. And in the modern age, therapy is the most meaningful way to address mental health problems. However, we need to understand the difference between the stage of the disorder & the phase of the disease. How the therapy is different from treatment? How does it mediate through meditating and not medicine? And how does it defer from healing through naturopathy rather than treating disease through allopathy? There, the significance of “The Mind” is so crucial to seek!

The Mind – is a processor connected to five sensory systems in the human body. This phenomenal invisible element of the human body is always at the center of attention in day-to-day life. Although, nobody realizes the significance of this processor. Nowadays, mental health is becoming a more popular term everywhere. Since post-COVID-19, mental health is a focal point. And so, you see the momentum of awareness about mental health issues in society! These mental health issues even existed before the COVID-19 outbreak. Regrettably, society has avoided addressing its significance. But to improve mental health one needs to understand The Mind. And how do we know it??

Once: Subhuti asked The Buddha –:

“O well-gone, how much the bodhisattvas, the great beings, have been helped with the greatest help by the Tathagata… How then, O Lord, should one who has set out in the bodhisattva-vehicle, stand, how to progress, how to control the thoughts?”

The Buddha replies-:

“…Therefore, Subhuti, listen well, and attentively!”

(Source:?dialogue is a part of OSHO’s- The Diamond Sutra discourses.)

The Buddha only can subtly sum up the definition of The Mind! Because he conquered The Mind. It is the most difficult process to win over The Mind. And to win over The Mind one needs to understand the thought process happening in The Mind. And to understand the thought process one needs to deeply dig into the five senses of the body! Now, such practicing life is not instilled in our schools, universities, and academia. These institutes are largely focused on the outer growth of human life. We are all conditioned from our birth towards outer growth. Even, Gautam- The Buddha’s mind was also the victim of this society and its format of conditioning. However, his inner core penetrated his quest to know about death, sorrow, and pain he had never known in his entire life till he witnessed it!

Here is the answer to Subhuti’s question, The Buddha indicates the first sensor of the human body – The ears. It’s an organ, a body part but with tremendous power. Listen well, and attentively. Listen well – means using your organ device with respect & due diligence. Three important activities are involved in this process. First, be aware of your device. Second, understand the function of the device. And third, bring full energy to the core of the device, so you can optimize the use of the device.


Why attentively? The attention (awareness) is an ignition to activate the sensor/device, without energy the device is dead. That’s why when you lose your hearing power, it means, the energy is disconnected from the device. You are deaf. The device is dead. Similarly, the dimensions of sight, smell, touch, and test sensors are the most significant tools to realize The Mind. Each body sensor has its own uniqueness.

Now let’s look at the brief true sense of Biology in terms of human life to understand the state of The Body.

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Image credit: Shutterstock – Diagram:1

“Biology is the study of life. The word "biology" is derived from the Greek word "bios" (meaning life) and "logos" (meaning "study"). In general, biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin,?evolution, and distribution of living organisms.”

Four principles unify modern biology, according to the book "Managing Science" (Springer New York, 2010) Cell theory, Gene theory, Homeostasis, and Evolution.?There are numerous branches and subdisciplines of biology, but here is a short list of some of the broader fields that fall under the umbrella of biology:?Biochemistry:?The study of the chemical processes that take place in or are related to living things, according to the?Biochemical Society.?Ecology:?The study of how organisms interact with their environment.?Genetics:?The study of heredity. Geneticists study how genes are passed down by parents to their offspring, and how they vary from person to person.?Physiology:?The study of how living things work. Physiology, which is applicable to any living organism, "deals with the life-supporting functions and processes of living organisms or their parts," according to?Nature.

(Contributor:?Scott Dutfield,?Alane Lim??published?February 02, 2022)

Modern science has tremendously contributed in terms of research & development to improve human life by studying Biology. The mortality rate has declined in society due to medical science innovation, there is no doubt about it. Human life has expanded in terms of Physiology perspectives. However, we are still far behind to achieve Psychological advanced mechanisms to address mental health issues in our society. Because it is more about emotional phenomena happening through five sensors. There, we can see authentic evidence in ancient world literature on Psychology science & methods.?

The envisioned subject Physiology of mainstream Biology as the Body is defined in the study of Asanas (postures) of Patanjali’s first phase of disciplining the body. It is called Asan and?the word Asana comes from the root ~as, which means "to sit".?Patanjali has defined three stages of the evolving process of practicing human life. First is Asan, second is Yoga, and third is Samadhi. Unfortunately, in the modern era, the meaning of Patanjali’s scripture is misunderstood and narrowed down the significance of body science.?

Each Asan (Posture) is teaching an understanding of body structures and how doing a particular Asan (Posture) improves the overall performance of the body. When you sit, stand, bend, or stretch your body for a particular Anas – your energy shifts from normal flow to the center of posture and penetrates a certain area of the body. Look at the following example: This Asana precisely and elaborately describes the understanding of posture, pressure, and parts benefiting by practicing it. This is purely an inward process without the addition of any external element to improve body performance.??


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Applies pressure to the intestines, liver, spleen, and other internal organs increasing the blood circulation to those areas and therefore improving their function. Regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands. Tones the pelvic muscles and the sciatic nerves. Alleviates disorders of the female and male reproductive organs. Helps eliminate anger and is very cooling for the brain. Relieves constipation.?

In ancient times, Patanjali’s science had discovered the study of biology elements more inwardly rather than an outward approach to life described above. There is a significant difference between the study of Biology as a subjective substance and Asanas from an objective point of view. Biology is the study of understanding, analyzing, and establishing subjective matters of living life. It discusses the structure of the body, the elements constructing the body, its organs, tissues, and bones. It also defines how it forms, functions, and facilitates the purpose of the human body! It is a very subjective approach than an objective purpose. Asanas emphasize more on the inward objective of self-understanding, analyzing, and enhancing the quality of life by practicing it. Modern science has emphasized more on the study of the outer sphere of idiosyncratic contents. Disciplining The Body is the first part of an inward process that leads to educating an individual about the physical significance and how to maintain the consistent performance of the human body. In this first process of learning you understand five organs’ dynamics and functions of your five sensory systems.

Similarly, Chemistry is a subject, and the Brain is as an objective purpose.?Each brain hemisphere (parts of the cerebrum) has four sections, called lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. Each lobe controls specific functions.

  • Frontal lobe.?The largest lobe of the brain, located in the front of the head, the frontal lobe is involved in personality characteristics, decision-making, and movement. Recognition of smell usually involves parts of the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe contains Broca’s area, which is associated with speech ability.
  • Parietal lobe.?The middle part of the brain, the parietal lobe helps a person identify objects and understand spatial relationships (where one’s body is compared with objects around the person). The parietal lobe is also involved in interpreting pain and touch in the body. The parietal lobe houses Wernicke’s area, which helps the brain understand spoken language.
  • Occipital lobe.?The occipital lobe is the back part of the brain that is involved with vision.
  • Temporal lobe.?The sides of the brain, temporal lobes are involved in short-term memory, speech, musical rhythm, and some degree of smell recognition.

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Contributor: Johns Hopkins Medicine) Diagram:3

Hormones are chemicals produced by different glands across your body. They travel through the bloodstream, acting as messengers and playing a part in many bodily processes. One of these important functions helping regulate your mood.?Certain hormones are known to help promote positive feelings, including happiness and pleasure. These “happy hormones” include:?

Dopamine:?Known as the “feel-good” hormone,?dopamine?is a neurotransmitter that’s an important part of your brain’s reward system. It’s associated with pleasurable sensations, along with learning, memory, and more.?

Serotonin:?This hormone?and neurotransmitter help regulate your mood as well as your sleep, appetite, digestion, learning ability, and memory.

Oxytocin:?Often called the “love hormone,” oxytocin is essential for childbirth, breastfeeding, and strong parent-child bonding. It can also help promote trust, empathy, and bonding in relationships. Levels generally increase with physical affection.?

Endorphins:?These hormones?are your body’s natural pain reliever, which your body produces in response to stress or discomfort. Levels may also increase when you engage in reward-producing activities such as eating, working out, or having sex.?

Now, here is the most innovative information shared by modern science about a machine and its functionality that produces different chemicals affecting human mood or feelings. Medical science has also invented drugs, what you can do to help produce more of these natural mood boosters. However, it is an external element that has a limited life of consistent performance. The moment effect of the drug is faded away the disequilibrium of the mind comes to a chaotic condition. Through medical science, human knows the name of the hormones affecting the mental condition, which is good help but not sufficient to maintain a balanced state of mental performance unswervingly.


Patanjali’s approach to Yoga is directly related to the human brain and its significance of chemical configuration through practicing Yoga to improve mental health. Look at the following?Diagram:4?that describes – how thoughts & emotions are generated. How external activities & environment is affecting internal processing? Whatever you collect information through your cognitive senses is registered in your brain in two parts. Either like–dislike, good-bad, or positive-negative. Accordingly, your reactive thoughts are generated through five active expressions. Here the reality of The Mind game starts. Now you know how The Mind is framed!

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(Contributor: by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati – Diagram:4

While the external world keeps changing, the very senses with which we observe that world can have experience only within their own limited range. The eyes see only a limited range; the ears hear only a limited range; and so also with smell, taste, and touch. They all provide useful, though limited, inadequate information when seeking mental peace or reality. The way to find it cannot, then, be through the senses or through the thoughts generated by the senses.

Once you learn & come to the stage of identifying the action of cognitive senses and reactive expression, you can starts differentiating what to eliminate and what to grasp. This requires focus and it can be achieved only through practicing systematic breathing. Unless you learn how to breathe properly, you cannot transform your brain for a sense of attentiveness. Attention is a thin pause between the cognitive senses and active expressions. It is simple but challenging – stop- between the importer of the external world and the exporter of the internal world! This invisible mechanism generates thoughts in milliseconds and beyond lightning speed. At this point of gap/stop mindfulness exist which is called attentiveness.?And therefore, here Physics is a subjective substance, and the Breath is an objective process.

In practicing Asanas (disciplining body) inhaling & exhaling are so important. In this exercise, you learn breathing patterns. The second stage of Yoga allows you to breathe more scientifically connecting your cognitive senses. It means every action of your routine life will be more rhythmic with complete attention.??i.e., there is a tradition in every belief system to pray before you start eating. This practice allows you to neutralize your breath, so it becomes your habit to chew attentively, so the digestion power improves, and so the chemical component in food provides good nourishment to the brain through blood circulation. That improves your overall emotional equilibrium or happy hormones. Similarly, when you do constant breathing practice through different pranayama, it provides more oxygen to the brain which helps activate body cells. You are consciously attentive in your entire daily routine.

The idea of demonstrating modern science in terms of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics aligning the ancient way of Body, Brain, and Breath is ultimately positioned as a parallel track but maintains a certain distance of theoretical gap. This gap is defining conceptual differences. One is an outer way of matter innovation to treat diseases and the other is an inward process of healing to cure disorders. Certainly, external help like the clinical process changes the psychological condition of a client/patient through prescribed drugs and treatments. However, the client/patient is under the effect of drugs. Self-initiatives & convictions are absent in this process. Therapy through Asana, Yoga, and Dhyana will give a person a direct mechanism to understand the problem and work for a solution inwardly & individually. In the modern age, a therapist is also adapting Patanjali’s principles of yoga sutras.?

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(Contributor: by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati – Diagram:5

And therefore, Quantum Physics is a subjective (matter + energy) substance, and the Breath is a processing objective in metaphysics. Quantum Physics talks about outer form of matter & energy, and?it aims to uncover the properties and behaviors of the very building blocks of nature.?Whereas Universe within can be discovered only by process of breathing through understanding Metaphysics.??Look at the dialogue in The Mind between “I” vs. “IT” in above?Diagram:5! These all happening on the sphere of The Mind within milliseconds. Practice of rhythmic breathing is the only mechanism will help in separating I vs IT. Metaphysics is an ancient science yet modern fitting in & accepted by practicing psychologist.

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(Contributor: by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati – Diagram:6

The Mind and mental health are hands in a glove processes. The Mind is like clay. One can mold, color, and condition the way one wishes. This Mind is shaped by so many people since you are born. By the time one realizes the condition of The Mind, it is too late to mold the way one wants. Therefore, a more stable body is a healthier you feel. A more stable mind is a great feeling of your attentiveness. And so, the more your rhythmic breathing is an absolute state of clarity about the way of your life! Yes, modern science has given us some level of comfort to get short-term mental stress relief without not doing much. Hence, ancient science is proving more effective, but one needs to work hard to achieve permanent peace of mind! We need schools that teach more about nature, nature’s elements that play an important role in human life, and an ecosystem that balances the equilibrium of living beings. We have great schools of management, engineering, economics, politics, and war but unfortunately, the school of Yoga is forgotten, which taught us - how to feel five elements of nature – Ether, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth! How does your sensory system synchronize with these elements? And, how one becomes physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy?

DG’s Dew Drop is practice, practice, and practice disciplining your Body, Brain, and Breath. And a magnificent mirror will transcend The Mind.


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