Just like we have gyms for training the muscles in our physical body, ever wondered what might happen if we have a MIND GYM also, to train our MIND MUSCLES as well! Luckily, we have something which can give you such actionable/practical tools, which you can do on a daily basis to TRAIN YOUR BRAIN!
MIND GYM is a series of practical & actionable practices, which you can do from the comfort of anywhere, which when done over time with consistency. enables an individual to train his/her brain & ultimately make them do use their minds in whatever ways they want to!
NIRMAAN is a program that empowers & enables people to actually identify what’s holding them back and then empowers them with the effective techniques and processes to overcome the same so that they can be a smarter, sharper, better, higher, and calmer version of themselves than what they currently are.
Still, wondering why we need a MIND GYM? Why is there a need to join a “MIND GYM” in the current scenario? How does “MIND GYM” better our lives? What all does a “MIND GYM” include? Let’s watch this video to know the WHY-HOW-WHAT of the MIND GYM!