Glory Ize Isaiah
The Gold Standard Storyteller, helping everyday people and brands craft stories that inspire, influence, and leave a lasting mark—because your legacy deserves it. 100+ stories shaping legacies.
For some days now, I've not been able to write or say exactly what has been on my mind.
I’ve been thinking about what it'll cost me, if I let you see it. I’ve been thinking, about habits you and I have probably fought with, some of the battles we think is a lost cause. And those other battles we think we have won and few minutes later we are not so sure.
This is a bold one for me because I am going to really have to brace up, I’ll be writing to you in all the honesty and courage I can muster.
Yes! I am going head on with those habits that have held me and you down — those habits that have defied our almighty prescriptions.
Those habits are going to be pretty mad, because I am doing some name calling?and they have no idea what’s hitting them. Oh ho! It’s high time they stop harassing us. Looking down on the power of our will.
In all the letters I’ve written to you so far, I’ve wondered if any word has ever stirred you up. If any word I’ve ever written to you created any spark or answered any of your questions.
But the letter I may be writing to you from now henceforth would be bold and courageous.
I’ve realized that no matter how we want to change our lives, our finances, our relationships. It just never happens the way we want.
Have you?ever wondered why you say you are going to start jogging or exercising 5am to 5:30am every day in a week and then with all the will power you’ve got you try it out one day, two days, three days, four days -- all through the days that make one week; and 'phewww'. That’s all.
We’re going to explore together how taking one cup of water faithfully every day, seven days a week can affect how you save?1 dollar each day faithfully, to how you meditate one hour every day, to how you care for your body everyday, to how you respond to everyday people, to how you take on projects and run with it to the finish. Yes. You and I will explore the life cycle of habits and practical everyday ways to truly change your life.
And oh. I'm not doing this alone. I'm riding on the wings of those who have fallen and those who are standing on Kilimanjaro.
I’ll try to use the light in my eyes as searchlight into your own and into theirs. But I’d so much prefer you help me find those habits that are destroying you and those that have built you into the person you are now.
No habit is small or negligible. In fact, that’s exactly what it’s not. Habits are not small. Never call them small.
Are you sure you're not wondering whether habits must be things we do everyday? Must we do them everyday before they become habits?
What habits would you love us to talk about?
What habit(s) would you rather change than keep?
How can you define habits in your own word?