Mind The Gaps At Work, Home & Play
Rick J. Lindsey
Chairman, CEO & President @ Prime Holdings Insurance Services, Ins | Insurance Underwriting
I think we can agree that buying insurance is not the most fun or exciting thing in the world. You go from website to website, making calls and taking notes trying to find the right coverage for the best deal. This can be both stressful and confusing. However insurance is a necessity so you continue your search until find what you think you are looking for. Exhausted by the process, you want to forget about it move on. Yet despite the challenging journey through the insurance world, you may still not be fully protected from a variety of dangers and have a false sense of security.
It is important to know that many insurance policies can contain significant gaps and exclusions in their coverage. For example many homeowners’ policies exclude pets like dogs that with one unfortunate accident can cost you a lot of money straight from your pocket for legal fees. Another gap in your policy may be the trampoline or treehouse in your backyard. Indeed, the modern family is subject to many exclusions at work, home and play. There is likely a significant gap and exclusion in your insurance policy but how will you find out?
Luckily, Xinsurance powered by Evolution Insurance Brokers LC provides a thorough review of your lifestyle and insurance policies with you to identify gaps and exposures and provide individualized custom coverage solutions. No matter how good you think your insurance policies are, a gap review by Xinsurance is an important process to go through to learn where your hard earned assets are exposed and from this experience you will know how to buy insurance like a pro!
Rick J. Lindsey
T: (801) 304 - 5510 E: [email protected]