Mind Games: Chess, Strategy & Weight Control Mastery
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Mind Games: Chess, Strategy & Weight Control Mastery





1.??? White moves the queen’s pawn two spaces forward.

2.??? Black responds by moving her own queen pawn two spaces forward.

3.??? Finally, white replies by bringing her queenside bishop’s pawn forward two spaces.


Offer and sacrifice for better control of the center. The aficionados of the game say it is not a true gambit because side black usually can’t hold the pawn it takes, which makes it more of a trade with a slight delay.? Historians trace the earliest record of this move from the Gottingen manuscript, a thirty three page Latin text written by an unknown author entirely devoted to modern chess written circa 1490. It is one of the oldest openings in a game of strategy where the aim is to move around varied playing pieces, each with a prescribed set of possible moves, around a chequered board with multiple iterations, variables, possibilities, against an opponent that endeavors to sabotage and conquer.

Eugene Alexandrovich Znosko-Borovsky, born in Russia in 1884, was a bit of a renaissance man, an author, literary and music critic.? He was a veteran of a few conflicts: the Russo Japanese War, World War I he was wounded in both wars - and then the Russian revolution.? He was also a chess player.? After leaving Russia he proceeded with his family to France where he began life anew.? He was ranked 17th in the world in mid 1916 by Chess Metrics, a site created to extract and present data rating the skills and accomplishments of al. chess maters throughout recorded history.? Brovosky added to his accomplishment authoring the books:? The Art of Chess Combination,?How to Play the Chess Openings,?The Middle Game in Chess,?How to Play Chess Endings, and?How Not to Play Chess.

We will capture from Znosko-Borovsky something he said that cuts across many disciplines, endeavors of life, and the field that I have devoted decades of time, energy and research – Behavioral Nutrition.? The following words resonate with any person seeking health and wellness, albeit via fitness routines, diet programs, semaglutide injections or the diet de jour that will rise in the future.

“It is not a move, even the best move, that you must seek, but a realizable plan.” – Eugene Znosko-Borovsky

If there is one principle that supersedes all in the lessons of a 2000 year old game that can be applied to health, wellness and weight loss, it is the words above, the need to have a plan or strategy that is not only actionable but more importantly, realizable meeting people for who they are, what their history dictates, and how they truly behave, act and react when placed in the multiplexed situations that day to day life heaves upon them.

The emergent field, Behavioral Nutrition, is a new model for weight control focusing on understanding the interactions between human behavior, dietary choices, and the nutritional and neurochemistry aspects of food.? It bridges psychology, nutrition, environment, and the social and individual facets of eating behavior. ?Behavior comes before Nutrition, because the human being, the psyche, all that they are and all the history behind them will be one of the forces that powerfully influences the rational and irrational choices they will make.

The global ancient game of chess combines the challenges of competition, analytical and psychological thinking, as well as played in the palaces of kings or the parks of New York City and provides a model for those in the field of weight control to garner tremendous lessons.

One cannot just exercise brute strength or sheer willpower on the board to win the match.? Two opponents face off, calmly look at pluses and minuses and calculate what the next move will be based on their own decisions while simultaneously executing...a strategy.

Leonardo da Cutro and Ruy Lopez play chess at the Spanish Court. Artist: Luigi Mussini 1871

Willpower is not some limited predestined characteristic like golden hair, dreamy oval brown eyes, sun-touched skin.? Willpower is a muscle, and like all muscles, it can be strengthened and toned over time.? Willpower is an excellent skill for implementing short-term behavior, but it is of little use in long term.? Willpower is a fragile friend when it comes to weight control, and is easily compromised by fatigue, mood, lifestyle, environmental triggers, physical health, anxiety, and a deep, dark chocolate, caramel drizzled brownie.

Strategy is stronger than willpower and in the field of Behavioral Nutrition reliance is placed upon strategy rather than willpower.? The principles underpinning Behavioral Nutrition advises against the moderate consumption of problematic foods, as most humans are not given to moderation, and introduces effective tactics to combat the repeated weight gains experienced by dieters.

Is there a gambit, (definition: a device, action, or opening?remark, typically one?entailing?a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage) for facing food in a social situation?? One of the principles I teach my clients found in my book “The Thin Commandments Diet”- Conversationally Commit!? One of my clients – I call them the winners at weight control, those who lose the weight and keep it off for good, revealed her secret weapon for conquering cravings at a social soiree where her trigger food was present.? Her trigger food is in her line of sight, craving is rising…she makes it a point before to mention to at least one person at the event that she has sworn off said food.? Sometimes that would prompt an entire conversation about weight loss and Food Control Training; sometimes it would simply be passed over.? Whatever or whenever the situation, my client found that once she had conversationally committed to abstaining from the food, she was much less inclined to pick.

Photo by Our Whiskey Foundation

With a few choice words, you too can use your ego as the ultimate break to save you from your eyes, fingers, and mouth.? What do you think is the failure rate of you sitting at a table, hands caught in the act, mouth engaged, wolfing down 35 cocktail meatballs after you have said out loud and proud:? “Those look great, but I’ve sworn off them”?? This technique is super helpful, especially when you are continually around food in your home and office, and there are people who will call you out.? Ego power is stronger than willpower and, once again, strategy triumphs willpower.

Chess - like navigating health, wellness and weight loss requires off the board strategy and out of the box thinking.? One of the first masters of the game, Ruy Lopez - a Catholic priest in the 14th century (1530-1580) who wrote one of the first books about modern chess in Europe - also advocated the strategy of playing with the sun in your opponent’s eyes.? While seemingly wacky and humorous, it is the exercise of unorthodox strategy. Strategy and the principles of Behavioral Nutrition is what I advocate in sessions with patients and has led to the success of my clients and the privilege of seeing my practice placed on the New York Times prestigious T-List as one of two best weigh practices in the country.

July 20, 2024, International Chess Day, the United Nations marked as special in recognition that the arts, along with many other pursuit in humanity, have the power to change perceptions, prejudices, behaviors and inspire people and contribute to education.? This powerful game provides many similarities and patterns to life due to strategic thinking, planning, problem solving, reacting to the expected and unexpected.? Each move represents a decision. The game teaches patience, foresight, and the ability to adapt. It emphasizes learning room mistakes; each loss provides valuable lessons for future games.? This is a microcosm of life, especially in the emergent field of Behavioral Nutrition.

Mr. Borovsky’s last recorded game where a Queen’s Gambit was put into play was 1946*.? His opponent was Paul List.? Gambit declined.? In 66 moves trisecting the chequered board, Mr. Borovsky won.


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