Dr. JC Doornick "The Dragon"


Reduce Stress by purposefully paying attention to your present moment experience.


Defined by Jon Kabut-Zinn , in his book, "Mindfullness for Beginners ", mindfulness is paying attention purposefully with non judgement acceptance of your present moment experience. It begins with a desire for what mindfulness promises in a more peace full and rewarding life experience with less distractions from the things that don’t deserve your attention. The decision to stop participating in the shit that doesn’t matter. You have to want that outcome of peace and then practice mindfulness to leverage it. A decision to practice mindfulness is also one made in defiance of the amygdala’s propensity to over react to stressors. Remember the Amydala is that small almond shaped thing in your brain that sounds the alarm and initiates the stress response system. Example. My daughter has just started school and said she was feeling blue (we use color codes with her so she can communicate her current reality) I said explain how you feel and take a stab at identifying why? She knows about the brains ability to go off line so I challenged her to identify the stressful event. The stimulus fir her blue state. She says she’s stressed about school and specifically the work. I said what stresses you about it? She said it seems hard and she’s worried her online schooling didn’t prepare her for it? My reply? Hmmm ?? then I said empathetically that I understand. She holds herself to very high standards because of some challenges she’s had to overcome. So I asked her if she wants to feel better? She said yes, so I said to her, let’s practice mindfulness and check the facts. What aspects of the situation are in and out of your control? She said the work is in her control. Doing the work and leveraging her success. If it’s too hard that’s out of her control and she’ll just do her best. She smiled and began regulating her emotions and her conscious brain came back ONLINE. PHD Melanie Greenberg, author of Stress Proof Your Brain ?? says ??A Mindful state of mind is a deliberate, purposeful focused way of looking at your experience in the present.?? Rather than experiencing life through your programmed automatic stress response system. The steps to mindfulness are laid out in my IRS (Interface Response System). Perceive, pause, assess, respond. The moment you practice mindfulness and insert a pause on your reaction then challenge and observe your thoughts and feelings, you’re practicing mindfulness and on your way to a better outcome. Your outcome. Not connected to someone or something else’s outcome.

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